WWE SmackDown Live Results 10th October 2017, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

This week's episode was centered around Sami's actions at Hell In A Cell, helping Kevin Owens beat Shane McMahon. Apart from that, we had a US title match to look forward to as AJ Styles invoked his rematch clause.

The Usos pay respect to The New Day

SmackDown kicked off with the new Tag-Team Champions, The Usos, who received a big ovation following Sunday’s Hell In A Cell match. The Usos were soon joined in the ring by The New Day, who were looking worse for wear.

The Usos cut a great promo, praising themselves and The New Day for the match they put on. They described the hell they went through during the match before continuing to describe what they went through after the cameras went off, which only The New Day would understand. The two teams sort of came to a truce when the Hype Bros music hit.

Mojo Rawley was upset that it was the same two teams got the chance at the top of the division. Gable and Benjamin interrupted and told the Hype Bros to get to the back of the line. They were soon joined by Konnor and Viktor and Breezango.

Daniel Bryan came out and announced a Fatal-4-Way match to determine the new #1 contenders.

Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin vs The Ascension vs The Hype Bros vs Breezango

The match started off fast with The Usos sitting at ringside for this match to check out the action. All 4 teams got their spots in but it was Breezango and Gable/Benjamin who really impressed.

The final sequence of the match saw Gable and Benjamin trying to hit Breeze with their double-team finisher but Fandango pushed Gable off the apron. He then went for the leg drop from the top rope but ate the mat. Gable followed it up with a moonsault from the top rope before Benjamin and Gable hit their finisher on Tyler Breeze for the win and the #1 contendership.

Gable and Benjamin def. Breezango, The Ascension and Hype Bros


We caught up backstage with Natalya who was talking to Lana and Naomi. Charlotte soon came onto screen and Natalya immediately hit her with a jab at her dad. Charlotte replied with a forearm as all hell broke out and Becky, Naomi and referees had to separate the two.

Becky Lynch vs Carmella

Ellsworth was at ringside as usual, doing Carmella’s bidding. The crowd were hot for Becky tonight and she started on top, hitting Carmella with an early Bexploder. Becky followed Carmella out but a little diversion from Ellsworth helped Carmella hit a cheapshot to gain the upperhand.

Becky soon got back in it with a couple of vicious strikes and followed it up with the Dis-Arm-Her for the sudden submission.

A great win for Becky and one she needed. Can we finally have Becky vs Natalya, please?

Becky Lynch def. Carmella

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn explain what happened at Hell In A Cell

Kevin Owens came out and he didn’t look in good shape. He was clearly banged up as he entered the ring. Owens said that as he had promised, he’d beaten Shane McMahon and had escaped hell. He added that he didn’t think he would make it through the match at one point until Sami saved him.

Sami came out next and explained his actions. He had been a do-gooder but unlike Owens, he was always on the outside looking in. He added once again that his move to SmackDown Live had been full of false promises.

Sami added that as he was watching the Cell match, he wanted Shane to win. But when he saw Shame jumping off the cell, he realized that Shane only cared about himself so he took it on himself to save his brother since it was the right thing to do.

Sami ended it with the line of the night, “Kevin, for a long time I despised you. Now, I despise the fact that you were right”.

Rusev and Aiden English vs Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura

This match had a fairly chaotic start with Orton back suplexing Rusev onto the announcer’s table. As he tried to get back into the ring, Rusev connected with a head kick before English hit a swinging neckbreaker on the floor at ringside.

We came back from the break to see Rusev all over Orton, isolating him in the corner. Rusev tagged English in and Orton met him with a Powerslam and tagged in the King of Strong Style. Nakamura knocked Rusev off the apron, before hitting English with a lethal combination of kicks. He followed it up with the running knee in the corner.

Nakamura went for the Kinshasa but Rusev got in the way. Orton came in and hit the RKO before Nakamura finally hit English with the Kinshasa to pin him for the win. As easy as ABC for Nakamura and Orton.

Randy Orton and Shinsuke Nakamura def. Rusev and Aiden English

Bobby Roode calls out Dolph Ziggler

Bobby Roode said that his PPV debut was “glorious” till Ziggler attacked him after the match. So, he invited Ziggler out for a fight.

Ziggler followed him out and said that Roode had only won by pulling the tights. To be honest, this segment wasn’t the best. Roode needs a new feud.

Roode challenged Ziggler to match but Ziggler didn’t accept, saying he fought on his own time.

We got a backstage vignette with Harper and Rowan who were debuting their new gimmick. They carried hammers and called themselves the 'Bludgeon Brothers'.


Baron Corbin (C) vs AJ Styles (for the WWE US Championship)

The new US Champion defended his title two nights after winning it. The duo put on one of their best matches so far as they went back and forth. Corbin had the upperhand early but Styles made a furious comeback, taking Corbin's legs out from under him before hitting a running forearm.

Styles followed it up with a nasty running dropkick that sent Corbin flying into the announcer's table.

AJ followed it up with an Ushi Goroshi but Corbin followed it up with a Deep Six as the back and forth continued. AJ then locked in the Calf Crusher but Corbin broke free by driving AJ into the mat - ugly but effective.

Corbin followed it up by using AJ's momentum against him, hitting a nasty powerslam on the floor at ringside. As the action headed back into the ring, Corbin hit the End of Days to retain his title.

Baron Corbin def. AJ Styles

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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