WWE SmackDown Live Results 3rd April 2018, Latest SmackDown Live winners and video highlights

This week's SmackDown Live was always going to be a huge show when WWE ran through Nashville on the last stop on the road to WrestleMania.

With some huge matches announced - including Charlotte vs Natalya and AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin, this show was action packed!

Here's a run-down of how it all went down.

Daniel Bryan opened the show to welcome back SmackDown Live Commissioner Shane McMahon.

Shane McMahon congratulated Daniel Bryan on being medically cleared to do what he loves and what the WWE Universe loves to watch him do, which led to another huge "Yes" chant.

Shane McMahon said he had been hospitalised with a hernia and diverticulitis due to an attack from Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, but that he had also been medically cleared to be Daniel Bryan's tag team partner at WrestleMania.

Daniel Bryan apologised to Shane McMahon for his actions over the past six months, to which Shane McMahon replied saying he had been hot-headed and stubborn, with Bryan joking that a McMahon could never be stubborn. Bryan shook Shane's hand. Shane McMahon then apologised to Daniel Bryan and offered a handshake.

Daniel Bryan said Nashville doesn't want a handshake, that they wanted to see them hug it out, but Shane said he wasn't a hugger. Daniel Bryan got the crowd to chant "hug it out" - they did and got a huge pop.

Daniel Bryan then said he and Shane McMahon being on the same team was really bad news for Owens and Zayn, and Shane thanked him for reinstating Owens and Zayn because it means he has the opportunity to tag with Bryan and banish both men from SmackDown Live forever.

Bryan asked the crowd if they were ready to see all four men go at it on Sunday, to which the WWE Universe responded with a huge "Yes" chant.

Charlotte vs Natalya

Charlotte and Natalya went toe to toe

In a rematch from two weeks ago, we saw another hugely competitive match between Charlotte and Natalya ahead of Flair's SmackDown Championship showdown with Asuka on Sunday.

The match began with both women locking up, Charlotte put Natalya in a side headlock before Natalya struck back with a head scissors, but Charlotte escaped with a kip-up into a strut.

Natalya then got her own back as the next exchange ended in her bringing out a pose of her own. Charlotte got a near fall before Natalya hit a suplex and side head lock take down. Charlotte then got another near fall and Natalya posed for the crowd again.

Both ladies then exchanged some locks and holds, and the Women's Champion ended up getting another two near falls in quick succession. Charlotte then sent Natalya into the turnbuckle and hit her with some stiff kicks before getting another two-count.

Both ladies grappled on the mat before Natalya ended up on the outside. Charlotte missed her with a baseball slide but didn't miss a beat when she hit back with some kick and chops. Natalya then sent Charlotte into the ring post and took over, getting a near fall of her own.

In possibly the most impressive spot of the whole night, Natalya locked in a surfboard on Charlotte, but Charlotte somehow stood up while in mid-air, on Natalya's feet and escaped the hold. Natalya got back into the match again, but Charlotte dropped her on her tailbone in a precarious position and went for the Moonsault - only for Natalya to get her knees up.

Natalya went for the lariat, Charlotte went for a clothesline and both ladies ended up knocked out.


Carmella sprinted to the ring and tried to cash in her Money in the Bank briefcase, but the referees delayed and Charlotte impressively booted the briefcase out of her hand. Natalya went for the roll-up like two weeks ago, but Charlotte escaped and made Natalya tap to the Figure-8 Leg Lock.

Asuka's music hit and the undefeated challenger came to the ring and danced past Charlotte.

Asuka then cut a promo telling Charlotte, at WrestleMania, the Queen will bow down to the Empress because no-one is ready. But before she could finish, Charlotte snatched the microphone and said she is ready, but questioned whether Asuka was. Both women stared at the sign, then each other to close out the segment.

We then cut to a backstage interview with AJ Styles saying he wears his emotions on his sleeve, but Nakamura is trying to toy with his emotions.

AJ said his emotions aren't his weakness, they're his strength. The WWE Champion said we're far from the Tokyo Dome and Nakamura's weakness is taking him too lightly.

He says they may be in a dream match, but this isn't a dream, it's reality, and the reality is he'll defeat Shinsuke Nakamura at WrestleMania.

After the commercial break, WWE shows a nice shot walking from inside Tootsie's in Nashville outside onto the street of Broadway across from the arena before running a package on Daniel Bryan's return and the build to the match between Bryan, Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn.

Rusev vs Jinder Mahal

Two form
Two former allies faced off

Bobby Roode joins the commentary team as the other two challengers in the Fatal 4-Way Match at WrestleMania for Randy Orton's United States Championship go one-on-one.

Sunil Singh introduced the Modern-Day Maharaja Jinder Mahal by singing out of tune and singing about being a better vocalist than Aiden English and Mahal being better than Rusev.

Before Jinder Mahal made it to to the ring, Aiden English interrupted and told Sunil he was mistaken, rhythmically dissing the pair and introducing Rusev in a way that only he can.

Rusev made his way to the ring to an eruption of Rusev Day chants and we saw Randy Orton watching backstage as the pair locked up. Rusev went for an early Accolade but Mahal escaped.

This was, as expected, an incredibly physical match. Roode spoke of his excitement for WrestleMania on commentary and said all three of his opponents are some of the best SmackDown has to offer, but that he'll defeat any of them to become champion at WrestleMania.

Rusev Day chants swept the arena as Jinder Mahal dominated with some hefty strikes and locks. Rusev then fought back and the pair exchanged strikes before Rusev landed kick after kick on the former WWE Champion. The Bulgarian got a near fall before going for the Accolade once again, only for Mahal to make it to the ropes.

Mahal threw Rusev out the ring and caught him with a big boot on the way back in, only to get a near fall of his own. Rusev landed another huge kick, flooring Mahal to an incredible ovation. Rusev powered up but Singh distracted him and Mahal rolled him up, only for two, though, and Machka Kick put away Mahal. Rusev picks up the win!

While celebrating in the ring, however, Rusev was floored by an RKO from Outta Nowhere. English got on the top rope, but Roode pushed him off and right into an RKO.

Roode stepped into the ring, picked up Orton's United States Championship and handed it over to him reluctantly. The pair stared at the WrestleMania signs to "Rusev Day" chants.

We then cut to Shinsuke Nakamura being interviewed backstage, he said AJ Styles is right, he is playing games - but he takes this game very seriously. He said he fought his whole life to come to America for one reason - WrestleMania.

Nakamura said he doesn't take AJ Styles lightly, but he knows Styles is emotional. Nakamura vows to become the WWE Champion with a knee to the face.

We then cut to New Day backstage yelling "FREE!" and proclaiming that WrestleMania is free to new WWE Network subscribers. They say it can be watched on any device before pulling a tablet out of Big E's trousers and a laptop out of Kofi's trousers.

Before they can "pull an Xbox" out of Xavier's trousers, The Usos interrupt and the pair have an exchange before we see the Bludgeon Brothers stand with their hoods up, they then destroy one of the devices.

Zack Ryder, Tye Dillinger, Tyler Breeze and Fandango vs Mojo Rawley, Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin and Primo Colon

Eight Battle Royal contenders faced off in tag team action

Next up was an eight-man tag team match between Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal participants. It began with old friends turned foes Zack Ryder and Mojo Rawley facing off before some tension caused a face-off between all eight men.

We came back from an ad break to see Dillinger and Mojo facing off, Dillinger escaped being rushed by Rawley and Fandango and Primo were tagged in. The commentators remarked that Fandango had been in every Andre The Giant Battle Royal so this year might be his year.

We then saw competitor after competitor being chucked after the top rope with every man going over the top at least once. Finally, Corbin threw Breeze over the top and into every other man, aside from partner Fandango who tried to take advantage. Corbin met him with the End of Days, though, to win the match for his team.

Corbin stared at the trophy and signalled that he'll be the first man to win the Battle Royal twice.

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn then hijacked the show. They entered through the crowd and stood on the announce table. Zayn said they needed to apologise, but not to Daniel Bryan - he instead apologised to Brie Bella and Birdie, the GM's wife and daughter, for what they're going to do to Daniel Bryan on Sunday.

Kevin Owens said they will get their WrestleMania moment because they deserve it and Zayn mockingly chanted "We deserve it". We saw Shane and Bryan watching from backstage and they made their way to the arena.

Back at ringside, referees tried to talk both men down but to no avail, but their microphones were cut off and security ushered them out.

Shane and Bryan came to the ramp and stopped them in their tracks, then Bryan asked for a camera to be put on them and for everyone to point their cameras at both men because this was history in the making - as it was the last time Zayn and Owens would be on SmackDown Live.

Shane then said since Zayn wanted the crowd to unite in song, the WWE Universe should serenade them out and Zayn and Owens left to chants of "Na-na-na-na, hey-hey-hey, goodbye".

AJ Styles and Shinsuke Nakamura vs Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin

WrestleMania dream match opponents teamed up

Well, WrestleMania's Dream Match competitors were on the same side tonight as they teamed up to face off against Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin.

It was no surprise that this was an incredibly technical match, and it was incredibly competitive too. Nakamura played mind games again, too, as AJ asked for the tag only for Nakamura to pat his head. AJ came into the ring and stared down his challenger, but Gable and Benjamin took advantage and beat down both men.

Benjamin and Gable continued to go to town on the WrestleMania main eventers with Gable and Benjamin beating down Nakamura and wearing him down with impressive holds.

Nakamura did manage to hit back, though, and was forced to tag in AJ. Likewise, Gable entered the fray but AJ Styles flattened him and Benjamin. Gable rolled up AJ after the Champ hit Benjamin with a Pele Kick, but only got the two count and then took a neck-breaker for his troubles.

Again AJ and Nakamura had a tense staredown before AJ Styles jumped from the ring, over the top rope, onto the apron millimetres from Nakamura. He then delivered a Phenomenal Forearm to Gable and picked up the win. Nakamura stayed on the apron after the pin and Styles left with his belt, staring down Nakamura the whole way.

Benjamin attacked Nakamura from behind and AJ looked reluctant, but Nakamura disposed of him quickly. AJ looked like hitting the Phenomenal Forearm on Nakamura but pulled out at the last moment like Shinsuke Nakamura did to him with the Kinshasa last week.

Nakamura cowered in fear, and AJ Styles delivered revenge in the form of patting Nakamura on the head, playing some mind games of his own to close out the show.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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