While the start of 2024 brings with it what should be an exciting and momentous year for general Weekly Shonen Jump manga series, the start to the publication’s year is still rather distant. Following their post-Christmas release on Friday, January 5, 2024, it seems that the manga publication magazine has taken yet another one-week publication break for the New Year holiday.
In other words, it means that Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, and other flagship Weekly Shonen Jump manga series won't be releasing new chapters officially until Monday, January 22, 2024. While it's possible that spoilers for these series will be released before the actual release week of the upcoming issues, these will nevertheless remain unofficial releases.
Likewise, fans are now curious as to exactly which Weekly Shonen Jump manga series are on break until January 22, 2024.
Every Weekly Shonen Jump manga series on break, including My Hero Academia, Kagurabachi, and more
The series on break
As mentioned above, some of Shueisha’s biggest Weekly Shonen Jump manga series will be on a one-week break due to the magazine itself taking a publication break. The series affected range from the company's flagship manga series to lesser-known entries looking to make a name for themselves.
The series of the most pressing concern for fans are obviously One Piece, My Hero Academia, Black Clover, and Jujutsu Kaisen. These are arguably Shueisha's current biggest series and are also arguably the most affected by the break. With each series at a pivotal moment in their respective narratives, the publication break arguably couldn't have come at a worse time for these four titles.
Additional series set to be on a forced break week include Sakamoto Days, Kagurabachi, Blue Box, Undead Unluck, Shadow Eliminators, Mission: Yozakura Family, Kill Blue, and MamaYuyu. In total, the following series and chapters from the above Weekly Shonen Jump manga series will be on break for one week due to the publication break:
- One Piece chapter 1104
- Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 248
- My Hero Academia chapter 412
- Kagurabachi chapter 17
- Sakamoto Days chapter 151
- Blue Box chapter 133
- Undead Unluck chapter 191
- Shadow Eliminators chapter 6
- Mission: Yozakura Family chapter 210
- Kill Blue chapter 37
- MamaYuyu chapter 18
Release date, time, and where to read
While the above series are on break, fans thankfully have confirmed release information for the next issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The next issue of the magazine, and likewise the next chapters of the series mentioned above, are set to be released in Japan on Monday, January 22, 2024, at 12 am Japanese Standard Time.
Generally speaking, fans can read the above series' upcoming releases on the Viz Media website, Shueisha's MANGA Plus website or app, or Shueisha's Shonen Jump+ service. The former two are completely free resources but only allow readers to catch up on the latest three issues of a particular series. The lattermost option is a paid subscription service that offers readers the opportunity to enjoy a series in its entirety.
The release dates and times for the next issue of Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump manga publication magazine are as follows:
Be sure to keep up with all anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2024 progresses.