One Punch Man manga has finally finished with its Monster Association Arc as Garou's fight with Saitama led to planetary destruction. There were several moments that defined Saitama's extent of power, one of which was his sneeze.
As their battle took to space, Caped Baldy and the Hero Hunter began fighting on Jupiter's moon. Here, Saitama happened to sneeze, the impact of which formed a crater all the way through the moon to expose Jupiter's core itself.
Considering that the battle which caused planetary destruction wasn't the greatest catastrophe foreseen by Shibabawa, the Hero Association is in grave danger, considering Saitama is the only one capable of taking down such a big threat.
Thus, Sitch and Sekingar have been trying to bolster the Association by bringing-in new individuals who they can rely on when the time comes. For now, it seems like the Hero Association can only expect such assistance from their S-Class Heroes.
Take a look at all the current S-Class Heroes in One Punch Man after the Monster Association Arc.
Who are the current S-Class heroes in One Punch Man?

The S-Class is the strongest class of the Hero Association, as every hero within this class is capable of taking on a demon level disaster all by themselves. There are currently 16 S-Class heroes in the Hero Association. Previously, there used to be 17 heroes, however, after 3rd ranked S-Class hero Silver Fang's retirement, the Association is now left with only 16 S-Class heroes.
- Blast
- (Tatsumaki) Tornado of Terror
- (Bang) Silver Fang - RETIRED
- (Kamikaze) Atomic Samurai
- Child Emperor
- (Bofoi) Metal Knight
- King
- Zombieman
- Drive Knight
- Pig God
- Superalloy Darkshine
- Watchdog Man
- Flashy Flash
- (Genos) Demon Cyborg
- (Bad) Metal Bat
- Tanktop Master
- Puri-Puri Prisoner
How are the rankings in the manga different from the anime?

Firstly, 3rd ranked Bang, also known by his hero alias, Silver Fang, chose to retire after the Monster Association Arc. He was planning to focus more on his dojo, hoping to recruit new disciples, with his main targets being Saitama and Genos. Meanwhile, he was also going to focus on Garou, to try and bring him back down the right path.
While Silver Fang's retirement means that all the heroes ranked below him go up a rank, the same however hasn't been officially confirmed by the manga.
Here are the ranks of the S-Class heroes as disclosed by the anime in season 1.
- Blast
- (Tatsumaki) Tornado of Terror
- (Bang) Silver Fang
- (Kamikaze) Atomic Samurai
- Child Emperor
- (Bofoi) Metal Knight
- King
- Zombieman
- Drive Knight
- Pig God
- Superalloy Darkshine
- Watchdog Man
- Flashy Flash
- Tanktop Master
- Metal Bat
- Genos
- Puri-Puri Prisoner

While the other ranks within the S-Class heroes didn't change till rank 13 from what was revealed in season 1, there were a few changes that occurred in the ranks during season 2. Most notably, Genos, also known by his hero alias, Demon Cyborg, rose to rank 14, all the way from rank 16.
Subsequently, Tanktop Master and Metal Bat should be dropping down a rank each, however, Matal Bat managed to get promoted by one rank, causing him to stay at rank 15, while Tanktop Master dropped down to the 16th rank, the rank previously held by Genos.