Viral Hit episode 7 was released on May 23, 2024, in Japan. The episode follows Taehun's menacing introduction by focusing on Hobin's preparation for their upcoming fight. The episode also shows new dimensions to Snapper and Hobin, with Hobin not backing down from a fight with a pro and Snapper beginning to renounce his former cowardly ways.
If the prior episode was any indication, Taehun is a serious opponent who requires a lot of preparation time and research to survive any type of conflict. Viral Hit episode 7 also breaks the status quo for a change, as Hobin gets Gaeul and Snapper's help when training for the fight rather than training solo.
Even then, Taehun isn't Pakgo. A professional MMA fighter will require more than just new moves to fight and survive, never mind beating them.
Viral Hit episode 7: Learning how to fight a pro fighter
Taehun's terror, continued

The first thing Viral Hit episode 7 showcases is the continuing menace and terror of former MMA fighter Taehun, a Taekwondo expert and a sadist who debuted in episode 6. Taehun continues beating Snapper and threatens Hobin with worse for him and Snapper if Hobin doesn't give up the Newtubu account.
Hobin thinks about fighting him with his current techniques but imagines being beaten just as badly as Snapper. Hobin acquiesces to Taehun's intimidation but still receives a slap across the face for his efforts. Taehun doesn't stop at the beginning, continuing to menace Hobin at the arcade when he loses to him.
His kick power cracks Snapper's ribs and shatters the glass of an arcade game machine. Taehun is also a good fighter even when he can't use his legs, as he counters Hobin's attempt at tackling him with several fast punches before slapping him around before Hobin's calf kick counter.
Snapper and Hobin's growth

Snapper, whose real name is revealed in Viral Hit episode 7 to be Jihyeok Wu, suffers cracked ribs from Taehun and endures worse mentally from Hobin giving away the Newtubu channel. He admits that Hobin inspired him to take pride in what they accomplished by fighting Pakgo, so Hobin's adamant refusal to fight Taehun hurts him.
Hobin, for his part, didn't want to get killed or severely injured fighting Taehun and was willing to give up any pride he had to survive. Snapper breaks down sobbing about how he wanted to fight for Gaeul's sake and how much of a loser she must think he is now, despite that not being true. This makes Hobin relate to his embarrassment in front of Bomi in episode 4 and his motivation to fight.
This is growth for both of them. In Hobin's case, he actively seeks out Taehun at the arcade he frequents, gets him worked up as per Samdak's lessons, and successfully challenges him to a fight in a month, which is a far cry from the kid who actively avoided conflict.
For Snapper, it's further growth from episode 5 when he began to stop hiding and being a huge suckup and started being brave because he reciprocates Hobin's friendship.
Hobin's next training: defeating a taekwondo fighter

As a funny start to Hobin's next training, Samdak calls training to beat a pro as a regular person impossible and lists out all the ways that a regular person would die if they tried. The twist is that he's not teaching proper martial arts to fight in a professional setting, but how to fight and survive. This includes fighting dirty.
While the training regimen this time includes practical workouts like pull-ups and repeated punches and kicks as well as practicing tackling, it also includes thinking of ways to control the environment. In Hobin's case, this means making a wet environment on a rainy day in an alley and learning how to stand on a wet surface. In addition to his regular drills, he starts using water shoes at the bathhouse to ensure he can walk on wet surfaces.
As a change from Hobin's lonely training in episode 5, Gaeul and Snapper join him in his training this time. Snapper does this to keep their audience engaged, and Gaeul helps Hobin train. Her "help" is stomping on him to train the toughness of his abs, proving she's not lying about having special kicks. Snapper is envious of Hobin for this, furthering his infatuation with Gaeul.
The day of the fight, and Hobin's improvisation

After a month's worth of hard training, the day of the fight arrives. Unfortunately for Hobin, the weather forecast was completely wrong as there was no rain. This scares Hobin fiercely, as not being able to restrict Taehun's kicks nearly causes him to quit the fight on camera.
This, however, was a diversion. Hobin still follows through on using the environment to his advantage by fighting in a wet bathroom. Hobin blasts Taehun and the restroom with water from a hose, and uses his water shoes and training to ensure he doesn't slip. There's only one problem with that: Taehun isn't just good with his legs.
As mentioned prior, Taehun boasts the title "The Striking Martial Artist." He doesn't just use his legs and feet to fight but has fast fists likewise, as befitting a former MMA fighter. The next episode preview seemingly shows the fight being tougher than just the calf kick and Overhand Hook KO Pakgo suffered, where Hobin gets back up after being savagely kicked and beaten by Taehun.
Final thoughts

Hobin will be lucky to walk away without serious harm being done following Viral Hit episode 7. The episode marks serious growth for Hobin, being able to stand up properly for himself now and seek out a fight instead of running from it. Snapper also grew as a character, finally having something to protect instead of cowering and using people.
As an addition, Gaeul comes in handy once again. Her introduction in episode 6, as Old Man Ding, retroactively showed her use of practical knowledge in fighting techniques and her echoing Samdak's words to Hobin foreshadows either her being related to him or being one of his students. The episode preview also hints that her kicking Hobin might strengthen his core or make it somewhat resistant to Taehun's kicks.
In short, Viral Hit episode 7 is a preview and prelude to the coming fight with Taehun. Hobin's life has taken a turn for the better since he started fighting back in episode 2, but the opponents are getting tougher and the stakes are even higher for him. It's a good thing he has friends like Snapper and Gaeul to help him. Now, if he'd just call Bomi back after two months, that would probably help his mental state.
Related Links
- Viral Hit episode 1: The Perils of Social Media
- Viral Hit episode 7: Release date and time, what to expect, and more
- Viral Hit episode 6: Release date and time, what to expect, and more