Jujutsu Kaisen has become one of the most popular new-generation anime/manga series from Japan. The dark fantasy series follows high-school student Yuji Itadori as he joins a secret order of Jujutsu sorcerers and exorcists. One of the most beloved characters among fans is Toge Inumaki, a second-year student at Tokyo Jujutsu High School.
Toge possesses a rare inherited Cursed Speech technique that allows him to both command people and inflict harm on opponents by using cursed words imbued with negative energy. However, he must be extremely cautious not to accidentally curse innocent bystanders in daily conversation.
To avoid this, Toge relies on a specific set of harmless "safe words," which are made up of Japanese food ingredients. These allow him to communicate without unintentionally activating his dangerous Cursed Speech.
Toge's unique vocabulary choices have become a part of his character that intrigues fans.
Common safe words used by Toge Inumaki and their origins in Jujutsu Kaisen
In Jujutsu Kaisen, Inumaki's safe words are inspired by the ingredients used to make onigiri, a common Japanese rice ball snack. As explained in the manga, Toge was raised by his grandfather who owned an onigiri shop. To avoid accidentally cursing customers as a child, young Inumaki practiced using onigiri ingredients as safe words.
This upbringing established Toge's lifelong habit of relying on ingredients as harmless speech. The most common safe words used by Inumaki in the series are all standard components of various onigiri rice ball recipes in Japanese cuisine.
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Toge Inumaki relies on a few key safe words that are part of his everyday speech in Jujutsu Kaisen. For positive affirmation and saying "yes," he often uses the word "Salmon" (しゃけ - Shake). To say "no" or give a negative response, he uses the word "Bonito Flakes" (おかか - Okaka).
While the exact meaning is unclear, "Kelp" (こんぶ - Konbu) likely serves as a greeting. He uses "Mustard leaves" (たかな - Takana) to express concern or say "I'm on it." For "look," he says "Tuna" (ツナ - Tsuna) or "Tuna Tuna" (ツナツナ - Tsuna Tsuna). "Tuna Mayo" (ツナマヨ - Tsuna Mayo) means to "do something" about a situation.
In addition to these main safe words, Inumaki also uses some other creative terms. These include "Fried Tofu Pouch" (油豆腐 - Aburaage) for exclamations and "Plum" (梅 - Ume) as a harmless placeholder.
By using a vocabulary related to food, Inumaki is able to avoid verbal curses and communicate safely with the help of these words.
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The importance of safe words for Toge Inumaki in Jujutsu Kaisen
For Toge Inumaki, these food-themed safe words are not just a quirk - they are a necessity for healthy relationships. Using his Cursed Speech technique carelessly could severely injure or kill his fellow students and teachers at Jujutsu High.
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Manga author Gege Akutami has noted that Inumaki's cautious personality developed due to the danger of his uncontrolled Cursed Speech while growing up. The safe words allow Toge to confidently converse and bond with others despite his powerful but unpredictable power.
In conclusion, Toge Inumaki's use of food ingredients as conversational safe words provides insightful characterization in Jujutsu Kaisen. Toge's reliance on these terms demonstrates his cautious nature and the efforts he takes to protect his friends. His food-based safe word lexicon has become a distinctive part of his identity within Jujutsu Kaisen.
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