How to avoid getting knocked down in BGMI

Tactics to use to avoid getting knocked in BGMI
Tactics to use to avoid getting knocked in BGMI (Image via Krafton)

Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is a thrilling battle royale game that requires tactical skills and quick reflexes. Surviving in this fierce virtual battlefield necessitates diverse skills, ranging from strategic decision-making to precision gunplay. Applying some of these tips can improve your survival and raise your chances of victory in the face of severe competition.

This article looks into essential suggestions and methods to help you avoid being knocked down, ensuring your longevity and success in the fast-paced world of BGMI.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Tips to avoid getting knocked in BGMI

Map awareness


It is critical always to keep an eye on the map to prevent ambushes and remain out of danger zones in BGMI. Watch out for the diminishing play zone and plan your movements accordingly. Staying out of the blue zone and near the center of the safe zone will allow you more time to react to impending threats and avoid getting knocked down by the damage to the play area.

Loot wisely


When looting structures or supply crates, proceed with caution. Close doors behind you, be aware of your surroundings, and be prepared for enemy encounters. Protective equipment such as armor, helmets, and healing items should be prioritized. A well-equipped player is likelier to survive hazardous situations and avoid early knockouts.

Positioning and cover


Positioning is critical for survival in BGMI. Stay in or near a shelter and avoid running in open places if possible. Make use of the natural terrain, structures, and obstacles. Staying under cover protects you from enemy fire and allows you to assess the situation and plan your moves correctly.

Communication within the team


When playing in a team, efficient communication is essential for avoiding knockdowns in BGMI. Coordinating your movements, sharing crucial information about enemy positions, and working as a team to flank opponents are all important. A well-coordinated team can quickly overwhelm opponents while minimizing the chance of being knocked down.

Engage wisely


It is critical for survival to understand when to engage and when to disengage. Rushing into a conflict without first appraising the situation can result in a swift defeat. Before engaging in a fight, consider your opponents' odds and power. If you are disadvantaged, move to a more advantageous location and reassess the situation.

Wear headphones


Sound is vital in BGMI since it allows you to detect surrounding adversaries and their actions. Using headphones or high-quality earphones improves your situational awareness, allowing you to avoid ambushes and respond swiftly to potential dangers.

Master your gunplay


To avoid being knocked down, you must perfect aim accuracy and recoil control. Spend time in training modes and constantly practice your shooting skills. Understanding your weapon's effective range and rate of fire will increase your odds of victory while decreasing your chances of being knocked out.

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