5 best BGMI tactics for engaging enemies in buildings

Clear enemies in buildings by using these tactics in BGMI
Clear enemies in buildings by using these tactics in BGMI (Image via Krafton)

In Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), engaging foes in buildings necessitates an intelligent strategy and quick decision-making. You must be cautious, attentive, and skillful to obtain an advantage in close-quarters fighting. Prepare to immerse yourself in the exhilarating world of BGMI and emerge as a formidable force behind the walls of buildings, whether you're a seasoned player wishing to perfect your techniques or a newbie eager to elevate your gaming.

This article explores the five best tactics for engaging enemies in buildings in BGMI.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.

Engaging enemies in BGMI with Grenade techniques and 4 other tricks

1) Map familiarity and positioning


The first and most important strategy is to become acquainted with the map you are playing in BGMI. Understanding building layouts, entrances, exits, and potential hiding areas will offer you a huge advantage. During the early phases of the match, spend some time exploring different sections of the map to become acquainted with its layout.

Next, positioning is critical. Consider the following while visiting a building where you fear opponents may be present:

  • Use cover wisely: Avoid rushing directly towards the building, as this gives you an easy target. Instead, go from cover to cover, shielding yourself from enemy fire with trees, rocks, or walls.
  • Keep an eye on windows and doors: Prioritize areas with strong adversary exposure, such as windows and doors, as these are typical locations for opponents to peek at or camp. Always be ready for a surprise strike.

2) Sound awareness


Sound is essential in BGMI, especially while within structures. By employing sound correctly, you can obtain crucial information about your foes' positions, movements, and actions. Here are some sound awareness tips:

  • Footsteps: Pay attention to the sound of footsteps because it indicates the presence of attackers nearby. Crouching or moving slowly might lessen the loudness of your footstep, making it more difficult for adversaries to detect your presence.
  • Use headphones: Wear headphones or earphones for the optimum sound experience. This will allow you to pick up on even the most minor aural signals, giving you an advantage in close-quarters combat.

3) Grenade tactics


In close-quarters battles, knowing how to use grenades efficiently can be a game changer in BGMI. Grenade techniques can flush out enemies from hiding areas and weaken their positions before engaging in combat. Here's how to use grenades wisely:

  • Frag Grenades are excellent for clearing rooms and flushing adversaries out of corners. Cook the grenade briefly before tossing it to shorten the enemy's reaction time.
  • Smoke Grenades: This grenade gives cover and camouflage, especially when traversing vast terrain to reach a building. You can also utilize them to obscure the enemy's view and cause confusion during battle.

4) Team coordination


Effective teamwork with your comrades is critical in squad-based settings. When fighting enemies in buildings, collaborate to increase your chances of success:

  • Covering fire: When entering a building, have one or more team members provide covering fire while others advance. This suppresses the enemy's ability to return fire effectively.
  • Team positioning: Avoid congregating in close quarters, as this exposes your team to area-of-effect strikes and enemy grenades. To get better coverage, spread out strategically.

5) Peek-and-shoot technique


When confronting adversaries in buildings, the peek-and-shoot strategy is essential in BGMI. It entails briefly exposing yourself to the opponent to take a shot and immediately withdrawing back to cover. Here's how to make the most of this technique:

  • Shoulder peek: Instead of entirely exposing oneself, adopt the shoulder peek technique by leaning out from the cover for a few seconds. This helps you to learn about the enemy's location and maybe draw their fire.
  • Quick shots: Take quick and accurate shots at the adversary while peeking to maximize damage while minimizing exposure time. To quickly eliminate opponents, aim for headshots in BGMI.

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