The Dark Knights of Steel is a brilliant comic series written by Tom Taylor and illustrated by Yasmine Putri, which takes place in medieval times, where everything is a little too intriguing! The planet Krypton is destroyed, but Superman didn't land on Earth alone this time. He also had his parents, Lara and Jor-El, for company, and their landing on earth marks the beginning of a fantastic journey.
From beginning to end, the Dark Knights of Steel has everyone hooked! There are a lot of elements that make it an incredible comic series, but these five things indeed take the cake when it comes to making the series wildly enjoyable.
5) All the Robins working together under the Dark Knight
Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, and Duke Thomas working for the Dark Knight, all at the same time, is too impressive of an arc. Each Robin dresses in a medieval version of their latest costumes. While all the Robins are present and accounted for, we have yet to see Damian Wayne enter the picture, for which we are incredibly excited!
Bruce Wayne operates as a Knight for the kingdom of El. The Robins help him investigate and solve cases, usually threatening the El family. While Dick Grayson is seen helping Batman more often than the other Robins, the latest issue (Dark Knights Of Steel #6) reveals Tim Drake is working undercover under John Constantine in the Kingdom of Storms (which is currently at war with the Kingdom of El).
4) Harley Quinn as a Court Jester is just too perfect
Harley Quinn working as a court jester in the kingdom of El, is a treat for the eyes. The role thoroughly suits Harley and portrays her growth apart from the Joker in a way that hooks us to the story. Harley provides the kingdom of El with sound advice to fulfill her duties as the court jester, and when she is not doing that, we see her juggling and making jokes about the Dark Knight.
In the Dark Knights of Steel #5, we also see Harley asking for the help of the Lady of the Forest (Poison Ivy) to assist the kingdom in the upcoming war, and the chemistry between the two is hard to miss.
3) Batman and Superman are half-brothers
The story becomes even more interesting when Batman and Superman are revealed as half-brothers at the end of the Dark Knights of Steel #1, as King Jor-El tells Bruce that he is his father. The detail becomes the last thing Jor-El tells Bruce before he dies in his arms. Superman, however, didn't react to the news quite as well when Bruce told him the information later in the Dark Knights of Steel #5.
It was also discovered that Batman has similar powers to Superman. A gift that had saved him from death multiple times, including being in the cart with his parents (Thomas and Martha) when the Green Man attacked it.
2) Superman also has an evil sister
Yes, the big boy blue also has a sister named Zala, first introduced in the Dark Knights of Steel #2. Zala is studying under the Amazons to be a great warrior and also happens to be Princess Diana's lover. Not only is she Superman's sister, but she's also incredibly evil and has managed to kill many characters while practicing her brand of justice.
Upon hearing of her father's death, she quickly blamed King Jefferson of the Kingdom of Storms without any proof and killed his youngest and only son by throwing him off of the sky in the Dark Knights of Steel #2. She also kills King Jefferson in the next issue when he's returning from a meeting with the Amazons.
1) Lex Luthor becomes the Joker with a Green Lantern ring
At first, in the Dark Knights of Steel #4, Luthor is shown in the kingdom of Wayne as their advisor while (recently landed from Krypton) Lara and Jor-El rush to warn King Thomas and Queen Martha about a volcano eruption. Luthor treats Jor-El and Lara as demons and advises the waynes not to trust them, resulting in his exile when Lara and Jor-El save the kingdom from the volcano.
Luthor then finds a mysterious rock with the power of a green lantern ring, and upon wearing it, the immense flow of energy makes him lose his mind, resulting in him being the Joker. He also kills Martha and Thomas Wayne, who then offer their kingdom to the Els, telling them to make Bruce the king when the time is right.