5 best counters to Jhin in League of Legends

The best Jhin counters available within the game (Image via League of Legends)
The best Jhin counters available within the game (Image via League of Legends)

Jhin is arguably one of the strongest and unique ADC's available to players in League of Legends. His kit and his playstyle are novel when compared to most other marksmen within the game.

However, at the same time, Jhin can also be troublesome to deal with, as he has a really good range which makes it quite hard to deal with him in the lane. He can always stand close to his tower and clear up the wave and in case someone tries going aggressive, or he can use Q and W to root the enemy and run away.

Fortunately, there are a few champions who can deal with him quite well in both the laning phase as well as the rest of the game. The following article provides a list of five such champions that players can consider picking in the match-up against Jhin.

Every counter to Jhin League of Legends players must consider using

1) Draven

Draven's aggression and damage is tough for Jhin to deal in lane (Image via League of Legends)
Draven's aggression and damage is tough for Jhin to deal in lane (Image via League of Legends)

Draven is a hyper-aggressive and heavy-damage dealing champion who can obliterate Jhin early in the game. Draven's early game damage is way higher when compared to Jhin.

Further, he has a speed boost through which he can chase Jhin down easily. If Jhin tries to run away with low health, then Draven's long range ultimate can catch the former to land the finishing kill.

Draven is also a champion who is constantly on the move, which makes it hard to root him in place. Overall, he is a solid choice whenever there is a Jhin in the opposition team.

2) Yasuo

Yasuo can dash into Jhin and cut him down very easily (Image via League of Legends)
Yasuo can dash into Jhin and cut him down very easily (Image via League of Legends)

Jhin is a champion who does not have a lot of mobility, except for a small movement speed boost that he gets upon landing his fourth shot. However, Yasuo is someone who is not only a bane to Jhin's lack of mobility, but can also counter both the latter's Q and W through the Wind wall ability.

Yasuo can pretty much jump on top of Jhin using his E and cut him down in the lane very effectively using the Q and R combo. As a result, Jhin's entire laning phase will get destroyed, which will make his presence in the game completely void.

3) Tristana

Tristana can chase down Jhin whenever he tries to run away (Image via League of Legends)
Tristana can chase down Jhin whenever he tries to run away (Image via League of Legends)

Jhin is a champion who does not enjoy it if an enemy goes on top of him during a fight. The problem is Tristana does exactly that, which makes Jhin's life extremely complicated.

Tristana can simply use her W to jump close to Jhin and then use her E and Q combo to burst Jhin down. If Jhin tries to run, then she can use her W again to close the distance.

Ideally speaking, Jhin has a really hard time facing Tristana in the lane and is a very safe and powerful choice to counter the former.

4) Lucian

Lucian can practically burst down Jhin very quickly (Image via League of Legends)
Lucian can practically burst down Jhin very quickly (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst the various champions within this game that can counter Jhin, Lucian is probably one of the best ones available to players. The latter's philosophy is pretty simple as he can use his dash to not only dodge Jhin's W, but also chase him down.

Lucian hits very hard as well and once he starts charging, Jhin has no way to escape. The only issue with this match-up is that Lucian himself is also a bit hard to play, which can often be a difference maker.

5) Samira

Samira can move into melee range of Jhin and finish him off very quickly (Image via League of Legends)
Samira can move into melee range of Jhin and finish him off very quickly (Image via League of Legends)

Samira is arguably the best counter to Jhin in the game. This is because, first, she has a skill that can completely dodge the latter's W simply at the press of a button.

As a result, Jhin can never lock Samira down in any given scenario. Secondly, Samira's ultimate can destroy Jhin even before he has time to react. Samira is a champion who loves going into melee range and Jhin is the most vulnerable in such situations.

Overall, Samira is a solid match-up, though the grip of the player on this champion will also be a decisive factor.

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