League of Legends' Top 5 Marksman champions that can help new players dominate games

Top 5 Marksman champions for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Top 5 Marksman champions for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Marksman champions are usually highly sought after by new players in League of Legends.

This is because they have a very flashy playstyle and can deal huge chunks of damage to enemies. As a result, new players are often drawn to them in League of Legends.

Here's a list of five Marksman champions that will allow new players to farm easily yet dominate games without feeling much pressure.

5 best Marksman champions for newbies in League of Legends

The role of an Attack Damage Carry (ADC) is hard as there is a lot of responsibility on the player. The late game of League of Legends depends heavily on the shoulders of the ADC. Therefore, an under-farmed Marksman ADC will be nothing but a liability for the team. However, there are a few champions that make farming easy as no matter how new the player is, they will face lane pressure.

New players lack the skill to pick up minions amidst pressure and also have no knowledge about wave management. Therefore, the five Marksman champions that new players can pick up and yet dominate games have been mentioned in the list below.

5. Tristana

Tristana is a brilliant champion for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Tristana is a brilliant champion for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Tristana is one of the best new player-friendly champions that can also help to take over games without breaking a sweat. Tristana can clear waves very fast, and farming with her is effortless. Her third skill allows Tristana to place a bomb on an enemy. Hitting that target four times explodes the bomb and damages everything around it.

This not only makes farming easy but the skill can be used on towers as well. Thus, overall, she helps provide significant lane dominance even for new players in League of Legends. Apart from that, she can jump in and out of fights due to her 'W', which provides a safety net in sticky situations.

4. Ashe

Ashe is a very balanced Marksman champion for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Ashe is a very balanced Marksman champion for new players in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Ashe is one of the most new player-friendly champions in League of Legends. Her ability to harass enemies in the lane while also dealing damage makes her a very balanced Marksman to play. She is played even in high-level games due to her versatility from the very early game.

Apart from that, Ashe’s ultimate provides a lockdown that newer players often find hard to dodge. This makes her quite a popular pick amongst players who are just starting out in the game.

3. Sivir

Sivir is very popular amongst new players due to her ability to push enemies away from the lane (Image via Riot Games)
Sivir is very popular amongst new players due to her ability to push enemies away from the lane (Image via Riot Games)

Sivir is quite an interesting champion. While she is not very popular amongst pro players, she is a must-pick for newbies. This is because her skills allow for some serious lane harassment.

In most cases, new players find it hard to deal with her and can even leave the lane out of frustration. Apart from that, Sivir has a spell shield which provides her the necessary protection required to survive in the lane.

2. Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune can zone out enemies hard, making her a top-pick amongst new players (Image via Riot Games)
Miss Fortune can zone out enemies hard, making her a top-pick amongst new players (Image via Riot Games)

Miss Fortune is a champion that is very popular in low-level games within League of Legends. This is because, even though she is not very mobile, she can deal a lot of damage. Her 'E' allows Miss Fortune to zone out enemies quite well.

She can use it on bushes as well to drive enemies who are hiding inside them. Her ultimate is quite decent, and since new players love to fight face to face, it can easily dish out the necessary damage to take out enemies very fast.

1. Jinx

Jinx takes a few games to get familiar with, however, is a top pick for new players nonetheless (Image via Riot Games)
Jinx takes a few games to get familiar with, however, is a top pick for new players nonetheless (Image via Riot Games)

The last champion to make the list is going to be Jinx. Jinx requires a little bit of knowledge to play as her kit is not that simple. However, a few games with her and new players can start getting kills without any issue.

Jinx provides damage, mobility and wave clearance which are ideally the three things any Marksman could ever need. She also scales very well late in the game and therefore can provide a sense of power that new League of Legends players always love to see.

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