5 best solo queue champions in League of Legends patch 13.10

Best solo queue champions for every lane in League of Legends patch 13.10 (Image via Riot Games)
Best solo queue champions for every lane in League of Legends patch 13.10 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends 13.10 is the biggest patch of season 13, with a plethora of excellent solo queue champions. It features item alterations and the introduction of some brand-new items. With that said, the best solo queue list should constantly be evolving over the next few patches as optimal builds surface and new champions emerge.


In this article, we will be breaking down the five best solo queue champions for every single role that holds some of the highest carry power for LoL patch 13.0.

Orn, Kha'Zix, and three more of the best solo queue champions in League of Legends patch 13.10

1) Top - Orn

Orn: Best solo queue top lane champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Orn: Best solo queue top lane champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)

The top laner who has been on the rise in recent patches and should only become stronger for patch 13.10 is Orn. He is the all-around best tank top laner you can play right now, as his recent bug fix change has been massive.

The buff to teleport in this patch will help a CC tank like Orn more than most champions. Unleashed teleport has been reduced from 14 to 10 minutes. He has an amazing lockdown, and being able to influence the bot lane earlier on will be great for the team.


To get the most out of Orn, you should look for hard-engaged plays with R when you have the numbers advantage. He is one of the best champions in the game at starting fights himself. Hence, keeping track of where the enemy team is on the map and capitalizing when they are split is key to winning with Orn.

  • Counters: Maokai, Fiora
  • Core items: Sunfire Aegis, Jak'Sho
  • Runes: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Free Boots, and Biscuits

2) Jungle - Kha'Zix

Kha'Zix: Best solo queue jungle champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Kha'Zix: Best solo queue jungle champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)

Patch 13.10 is a massive patch for Kha'Zix with the lethality item changes. Given that Youmuu's Ghostblade is now a mythic item and will be a viable rush option, the snowballing power of Kha'Zix has just shot up higher.

Furthermore, Eclipse is optimal in bruiser or tank comps, and Ghostblade is a great choice when snowballing or against heavy, squishy champions.


Playing around the fog and finding isolated catch plays is how you will see the most success. Instead of playing straight-up 5v5s, you need to be on the edge of a fight, looking to pick off enemies that are split from their team.

  • Counters: Fiddlesticks, Evelynn

  • Core items: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Prowler's Claw, Edge of Night
  • Runes: First Strike, Free Boots, Future's Market, Cosmic Insight, Sudden Impact, and Treasure Hunter

3) Mid - Talon

Talon: Best solo queue mid-lane champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Talon: Best solo queue mid-lane champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)

One mid-lane solo queue champion who should benefit drastically from the item changes in this patch is Talon. Youmuu's Ghostblade being changed to a mythic item is astronomical for him. Therefore, he will now snowball games faster than ever before.

As soon as minions touch down in the lane, it's go time with Talon, as you want to be playing for the level two jump. Hitting level two before the enemy and getting a nice chunk off can single-handedly change how the entire laning phase plays out.


These important trades can lead to permanent lane priority and the ability to eventually influence the rest of the map through Talon's strong roam power in solo queue matches.

  • Counters: Pantheon, Akshan
  • Core items: Youmuu's Ghostblade, Prowler's Claw, Edge of Night
  • Runes: Phase Rush, Nimbus Cloak, Absolute Focus, Gathering Storm, Free Boots, and Minion Dematerializer

4) ADC - Jhin

Jhin: Best solo queue ADC champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Jhin: Best solo queue ADC champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)

The ADC meta will see a big shakeup in 13.10, and the solo queue ADC who should come out on top is Jhin. Infinity Edge (IE) being changed to a mythic item is excellent for him. The fact that you can rush IE first and go into Rapid Firecannon second will give him an incredibly strong two-item spike.


The only downside to going to IE is that you can't build Galeforce. Nevertheless, that one item, the Infinity Edge spike, will be fantastic for Jhin.

He's a top-tier ADC because of it. If you're a bit of gold away from IE completion, letting your team know and not forcing random fights before you've got it will be key.

  • Counters: Karthus, Twitch
  • Core items: Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon
  • Runes: Fleet Footwork, Presence of Mind, Bloodline, Coup de Grace, Celerity, and Gathering Storm

5) Support - Milio

Milio: Best solo queue support champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Milio: Best solo queue support champion in 13.10 (Image via League of Legends)

The increasing power of ADC in the patch will make Milio a valuable solo queue support champion. His pairing with any hyperscaling ADC like Kog'Maw, Jinx, or Vayne will be fantastic.

Ardent Censer, one of his core items, is becoming a bit cheaper. Even though it's losing some AP in exchange, having access to the item's passive sooner is massive for Melio.


The win condition for Milio and, in general, for most enchanter supports in League of Legends is prioritizing keeping your most fed carry alive. If your ADC is useless, try not to spend your resources trying to save them or buff them up. Identify who will get the best use out of your utility and utilize everything on them.

  • Counters: Blitzcrank, Soraka
  • Core items: Shurelya's Battlesong, Ardent Censer, Redemption
  • Runes: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Scorch, Bone Plating, and Revitalize

This concludes our list of the best solo queue champions in League of Legends in patch 13.10.

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