5 best teams to use in Genshin Impact 2.6 Spiral Abyss for 36 Stars

Spiral Abyss in update 2.6 can be tricky (Image via Genshin Impact)
Spiral Abyss in update 2.6 can be tricky (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 2.6 has introduced a new set of enemies to the challenging Spiral Abyss, giving players a chance to try out new teams and take on powerful foes.

The Abyss is a challenging gauntlet that represents the endgame for most players, as they try to defeat some of the game's toughest challenges in the shortest amount of time. This can net them plenty of Primogems, and fully clearing the Spiral Abyss with 36 stars is one of the best ways to farm gems in Genshin Impact. Luckily, fans can find a list of some of the game's best teams for their next run.

5 great Spiral Abyss teams for Genshin Impact 2.6 players


Genshin Impact 2.6 has provided players with a tough new Abyss to take on, and there are some real challenges for an unprepared team. Luckily, thanks to community sources that collect data from across the playerbase, fans can utilize some of the game's best teams to their advantage. These teams take advantage of many of the strongest characters in Genshin Impact, and using them can make getting 36 stars a breeze.

5) Hu Tao Double Geo


Hu Tao Double Geo is one of the easiest team compositions to use, as it provides players with tons of safety while also allowing them to deal massive damage thanks to Hu Tao's synergy with Xingqiu. This team utilizes the powerful Geo Resonance effect paired with Zhongli's shield shred to allow Hu Tao to dish out massive amounts of damage while being protected by the massive shields from both Zhongli and the Crystallize effect.

4) Ayato Hypercarry


Many players will be bringing Kamisato Ayato into the Spiral Abyss during this update, thanks to the release of his new banner. Thankfully, he has arrived with some powerful team comps that can shred through Floor 12 with ease. Fans can use characters like Bennett and Yun Jin to boost Ayato's attack speed and damage, giving him the strength to cut down even the tankiest foes.

3) Childe National


This team composition takes advantage of Childe and several of the game's best 4-star characters, though fans can slot in powerful 5-stars like Kazuha to provide even more damage. This team will destroy foes with repeated Elemental Reactions that can wipe out even the strongest enemies in an instant. Players who have Childe will definitely want to try out this powerful team.

2) Raiden National


As usual, the Raiden National team pulls ahead of many of the game's strongest teams thanks to its consistency and ease of use. This team allows players to use many of the game's strongest Elemental Bursts off-cooldown thanks to Raiden Shogun's incredible Energy Recharge. The synergy between her Elemental Burst and that of characters like Xiangling and Xingqiu allows players to quickly dismantle any foes in their path.

1) Morgana


The Morgana team composition has ruled the Spiral Abyss since its initial discovery, and still remains one of the game's strongest teams thanks to its AOE damage and crowd control. This team utilizes either Ganyu or Ayaka as a Cryo damage carry, along with Venti, Mona, and Diona to keep enemies locked in place while they are frozen and taken down. Fans who have Ganyu or Ayaka will definitely want to use this team for an easy 36 star Abyss.

Genshin Impact 2.6's Abyss looks tough, but players can easily grab all 36 stars with the right team.

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