5 things players hate in Apex Legends

5 things players hate in Apex Legends (Image via Respawn Entertainment)
5 things players hate in Apex Legends (Image via Respawn Entertainment)

Apex Legends is a game that can be extremely fun and addictive when players are getting into it. It has a variety of characters, cosmetics, game modes and a few maps as well. While this game has a lot to offer, certain things can be annoying in the game.

A few players can make this game slightly unpleasant at times, and that’s putting it mildly. Certain decisions made by a teammate can be annoying as it hinders the player’s ability to play well. Here are some of the annoying things players hate when they play Apex Legends.

Five of the most hated habits in Apex Legends

1) Teammate looting from a player's death box after a respawn

One of the most annoying things in Apex Legends is when a teammate steals the player’s loot from the deathbox while being respawned. This is one of the most annoying things to deal with in this game, as the player will not have any ammo or healing items if faced by the enemy right after they respawn. It’s better to leave the loot alone as the player will have weapons to help the team win gunfights.

Player suggesting devs to lock the death box to safeguard the loot from teammates (screengrab via EA)
Player suggesting devs to lock the death box to safeguard the loot from teammates (screengrab via EA)

2) Teammates pushing mindlessly which costs a game

Apex Legends is a team game, and no one in the team will benefit from a player pushing alone just to die to a squad of three. The player gets knocked and jeopardizes the team’s chances of winning a game. It might be tempting to take every fight even without the teammates, but it’s always better to push with the entire squad rather than go alone.

3) Teammate splitting and landing alone

It is very common to see overconfident players land alone when the jumpmaster doesn’t land on the place marked by the player. These players hot drop and, more often than not, get killed and leave the game instantly. This ruins the game for the other two players on the team and, in most cases, will have to take 2v3 gunfights.

4) Lifeline players that don’t revive players

In Apex Legends, Lifeline’s kit is based on her ability to revive people. Some players refuse to revive their teammates when they’re knocked. Lifeline has the ability to revive players during a gunfight, and some players do not revive when an opportunity arises for them to do so.


5) Teammates landing on the same spot as the player while trying to loot

In Apex Legends, it’s widespread for your teammates to enter the same building while looting even when no team is nearby for early-game engagement. Players find this extremely annoying because loot will not be split between the players evenly, and this can be a problem if the team has to engage in a gunfight immediately.

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