5 tips to defeat Scaramouche boss easily in Genshin Impact

Scaramouche can be a difficult boss to complete (Image via Genshin Impact)
Scaramouche can be a difficult boss to beat in Genshin Impact (Image via HoYoverse

Defeating Scaramouche in Genshin Impact 3.2 will be key to gathering important materials for characters like Nahida and Layla. Taking this powerful Weekly Boss down can be tricky, though, as he uses a ton of different powerful attacks during his fight.

Fans will need to strategize when they battle this massive foe if they want to defeat him quickly. Luckily, there are some tips and tricks they can use to their advantage. The Scaramouche boss fight has some unique features that can allow gamers to beat him with ease.

Beating Scaramouche isn't that difficult in Genshin Impact


Genshin Impact players will be able to take on Scaramouche as part of Sumeru's latest storyline expansion that was released alongside the 3.2 update. This boss will provide players with a serious challenge thanks to Scaramouche's dramatic Electro attacks and wide reaching AOE blasts.

5) Avoid bringing Electro

Gamers will want to avoid bringing Electro characters to this battle, as in many phases, the damage they're capable of inflicting will not be valuable. Due to Scaramouche's Electro resistance, most damage of this type will be vastly ineffective or even nullified.

Fans will need to switch up their Genshin Impact team compositions before entering this boss fight and prioritize other elements like Pyro, Dendro, or Cryo.

4) Keep his multiple phases in mind

Players will need to remember the different stages of the Scaramouche boss fight if they want to defeat him quickly. They will have to strategize accordingly.

He has three different phases that he goes through before he is knocked out, and gamers will need to take him down three separate times before they can claim rewards. Make sure to keep topped up on healing and energy to be able to defeat him with ease.

3) Try to defeat his first phase in one cycle


When trying to take Scaramouche down for the first time during the first phase, players should prioritize dealing as much damage as they can and triggering his second phase. If fans don't do this, Scaramouche will get back up with an improved moveset that will make it much harder to defeat him.

2) Bring a ranged character to the battle

Genshin Impact players will need to bring a ranged character to this fight if they want to make the battle easier since, during Scaramouche's last phase, he will release four Electro shielded drones that can be very difficult to hit with a melee character.

Fans should make sure they avoid bringing an Electro ranged character for this because destroying the drones with entities of that type is almost impossible. For the last phase, the recommended characters include Amber/Yoimiya or Pyro Catalyst users, as they can deal tons of damage to the drones from a long distance.

1) Pay close attention to unique mechanics


There is a unique mechanic that presents itself during the second phase of the Scaramouche battle, where players will gain control of the Neo Akasha Terminal. This little drone will follow gamers around as they battle their opponent, dealing damage to him and draining down his shield.

Over time, the Neo Akasha Terminal will build up a powerful shot that will inflict massive damage to Scaramouche's shield, and using this attack will make the fight end much faster.

Firing the Neo Akasha Terminal in Genshin Impact (Image via HoYoverse)
Firing the Neo Akasha Terminal in Genshin Impact (Image via HoYoverse)

However, it is possible to miss this offensive maneuver. This is why fans should make sure they wait until the move is sure to land. To activate the attack, press the interact button or tap the highlighted icon when the Neo Akasha Terminal is charged, then press the Elemental Skill button to fire it at the boss.

Using this attack a few times will allow players to bring Scaramouche into a vulnerable state where he can easily be defeated in Genshin Impact.

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