7 biggest changes players can expect from League of Legends' champion durability update in patch 12.10

The biggest changes to meta that patch 12.10 will bring with champion durability (Image via League of Legends)
The biggest changes to meta that patch 12.10 will bring with champion durability (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends is set to increase the durability of champions in the game along with patch 12.10. This will include changes to base health, health gains per level, and increased armor and magic resistance gains per level.

Even then, it leads to exactly how that will be achieved and what impact it will have on the game. In the following article, these pointers will be discussed in detail to provide a clear idea of what players can expect when patch 12.10 drops.

The discussion will be entirely based on what Riot Games has pointed out in the latest developer update. However, this discussion will hopefully provide players with something concrete to prepare themselves for a massive change that is about to come in League of Legends.

Every change that League of Legends players will witness when the champion durability update drops in June

1) Enhanced damage reduction

Champion durability changes will bring changes to damage received and taken (Image via League of Legends)
Champion durability changes will bring changes to damage received and taken (Image via League of Legends)

The first major change that gamers will witness is the damage dealt and the damage taken. This is because the developers will increase both the armor per level and the magic resistance per level for the champions.

Therefore, if a champion does 500 damage per hit, it will be reduced significantly. This means that the player taking damage will last longer in a fight. This will give them the chance to launch a counter, use a smart flash or run away from the fight and live to see another day.

2) Burst champions will become less valuable

Burst champions will suffer some serious nerfs after the patch (Image via League of Legends)
Burst champions will suffer some serious nerfs after the patch (Image via League of Legends)

The first name that comes to mind when a burst champion is considered is LeBlanc. Ideally, towards the end-game, when she has three or four items, an E and W combo is often enough to one-shot an ADC.

While it is fair to say that the enemy ADC is significantly behind in the farm, it feels frustrating when LeBlanc and the ADC are on similar grounds. In such a situation, the fact that LeBlanc can finish off the ADC by just using two of her spells is something that should not happen.

Therefore, once the magic resistance and durability changes are implemented, LeBlanc will have to use her other two spells and utilize her entire kit to finish off the ADC. This will also affect other burst champions, which will negatively impact their position in the meta-list.

3) More counterplay options for players

Squishy champions will get a better chance to do counterplays (Image via League of Legends)
Squishy champions will get a better chance to do counterplays (Image via League of Legends)

In the current League of Legends state, counterplay happens only if a player has god-like kiting skills. It is practically unfair to ask an average person to sidestep five different projectiles at once.

Once the durability changes are implemented, those players who used to die instantly will now have a chance to fight back. For instance, if a LeBlanc is jumping onto an Aphelios and the latter does not get one shot, he will be able to fight back using his red and white guns.

Once Aphelios does that, he will make the task harder for LeBlanc and create an equal ground throughout the match.

4) Teamfights becoming more balanced

Teamfights will become more prevalent after this patch (Image via League of Legends)
Teamfights will become more prevalent after this patch (Image via League of Legends)

Teamfights in the current state of League of Legends is quite problematic. This is because someone or the other will be one-shot by the enemy team, which leads to the fight becoming a 3 v 5 or a 4 v 5 quickly.

As a result, the scope for a proper 5 v 5 team fight reduces. The champion durability changes that are being implemented will ensure that 5 v 5 teamfights last longer, which can often provide players with thrilling moments within a game.

5) Several champions will receive buffs and nerfs in a short period

Several champions will receive balancing changes after this patch (Image via League of Legends)
Several champions will receive balancing changes after this patch (Image via League of Legends)

Since the champion durability changes are being introduced, it also means that there will be varying champion changes as well. Some champions will become very hard to kill, while some meta champions will just become obsolete.

As mentioned previously, burst champions will be hit hard, but tanks will become quite prevalent. Therefore, some frustrating meta changes can make the game dull.

Thus, players should expect massive champion nerfs and buffs to ensure a stable point is reached once patch 12.10 drops.

6) Baron and Turret damage changes

Damage dealt by Baron Nashor will be increased after 12.10 (Image via League of Legends)
Damage dealt by Baron Nashor will be increased after 12.10 (Image via League of Legends)

Changes to champion durability will also negatively affect the damage dealt by Turrets and neutral objectives like the Baron within the game. However, if that happens, Tower diving will become more common and Baron will get solo-killed by players.

To prevent this, the damage done by both will be enhanced massively to ensure that those two areas remain relevant.

7) Healing and shielding will be nerfed significantly

Healing will be nerfed to maintain balance in the game (Image via League of Legends)
Healing will be nerfed to maintain balance in the game (Image via League of Legends)

Healing is a key aspect of the game that allows champions to remain healthy or gain some health back in a fight. It comes in the clutch in a variety of situations.

However, if the current healing and shielding numbers are kept intact after the durability changes are implemented, it will make certain champions unkillable. Things like Grievous Wounds will become obsolete and be a nightmare for players.

Thus, both healing and shielding will be nerfed to bring balance throughout the meta.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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