Best and worst Exotics for Warlocks in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Warlock class (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 Warlock class (Image via Bungie)

Warlocks in Destiny 2 are the "jack-of-all-trades" when it comes to endgame PvE activities. From healing fellow fireteam members to controlling additional enemies and damaging elite bosses, Warlock is a tremendous asset on the field for the rest of the fireteam.

With the introduction of the Shadebinder subclass alongside the release of Beyond Light, there has been serious meta in Season 14 with the Bleakwatcher aspect alongside plenty of exotic armor in PvE's endgame activities.

Going into a new season and expansion, these exotics might forge a new path altogether with new weapons, modifications, and even a new elemental subclass.

The best and worst of Warlock exotics in Destiny 2

Worst Exotic helmet

Felwinter's Helm

Felwinter's Helm exotic headgear (Image via Destiny 2)
Felwinter's Helm exotic headgear (Image via Destiny 2)

Felwinter's Helm has been a disappointing parallel to the current meta for Warlocks. With the class's role changing with each week of every season, this exotic piece of headgear lies in a very hard spot for the Guardians to make use of.

The exotic perk, "Warlord's End," creates a burst of energy to weaken nearby enemies on melee kills. The radius of this energy increases based on more powerful enemies.

Best Exotic Helmet

Eye of Another World

Eye of Another World exotic headgear (Image via destiny 2)

Eye of Another World was introduced in the Season of Chosen which has seen a spike in usage ever since.

Paired with the Bleakwatcher aspect, this headgear highlights priority targets and greatly improves the regeneration speed of grenades, melees, and rift abilities.

Warlocks can more than often spam their stasis turrets to control additional enemies in the endgame PvE activities with the help of this exotic headgear in Destiny 2.

Worst Exotic Gauntlet

Winter's Guile

Winter's Guile exotic gauntlet (Image via Destiny 2)
Winter's Guile exotic gauntlet (Image via Destiny 2)

Winter's Guile increases Warlock's melee damage with each melee elimination. While this can't be classified as completely useless, there isn't much use of the melee abilities of Warlocks in Grandmaster Nightfalls.

Best Exotic Gauntlet

Contraverse Hold

Contraverse Hold exotic gauntlet (Image via Destiny 2)
Contraverse Hold exotic gauntlet (Image via Destiny 2)

The idea behind Contraverse Hold is simple. Guardians can withhold the grenade's ability to avoid top trees and release them to deal increased grenade damage with increased range.

There is also a chance of producing a great regeneration of grenade energy depending on damage dealt with grenades thrown before.

Exotic chest and leg armor

There have been announcements from Bungie recently about changes to the sandbox and exotic armor. With the leg armor "Geomag Stabilizer" getting a nerf next season, the usage of unique exotics for Warlocks is in a tight spot right now.

Phoenix Protocol exotic chest armor (Image via Destiny 2)
Phoenix Protocol exotic chest armor (Image via Destiny 2)

However, Guardians still consider Phoenix Protocol and Transversive Steps as the best exotic armor pieces for Warlocks in PvE right now. There really isn't any exotic piece of this type that can be deemed useless, especially not with the current meta.

Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.