Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 (2023): Developers' recommended OTs 9 loadout attachments

Developers' recommended OTs 9 attachments for Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 (Image via Activision)

OTs 9 SMG from COD Black Ops Cold War and Warzone recently arrived in Call of Duty Mobile Season 4. Many players are already using it in Battle Royale mode, as it was made available by the COD Mobile developers via the Season 4 ground loot. OTs 9 is available in Battle Pass for free for gunsmith loadout enthusiasts. Players can unlock it at Tier 21 and use Weapon XP cards to avail themselves of various attachments.

As a section of players have already unlocked OTs 9 and using its customized build in their MP/BR loadouts, developers also recently unveiled their recommended attachments.

OTs 9 SMG in Call of Duty Mobile: The best loadout attachments recommended by developers in Season 4 (2023)

Developers recommend their ideal OTs 9 loadout for Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 (Image via Activision)
Developers recommend their ideal OTs 9 loadout for Call of Duty Mobile Season 4 (Image via Activision)

As mentioned, the gun is now available in Battle Pass, and anyone can grab it without paying any CP (COD Points). Once unlocked, players can try out the following attachments on OTs 9 SMG in Call of Duty Mobile Season 4, as suggested by developers:

  • Laser - "5mW Laster aka MIP Laser 5mW" - Effectively snips the hipfire bullet spread by 40% but increases the ADS time by 8%. The visible laser sights are also a con.
  • Ammunition - "Large Extended Mag aka Large Extended Mag B" - Improves the magazine capacity by 20 but will also increase ADS and reload times by 15% each.
  • Rear Grip - "Operator Foregrip aka Firm Grip Tape" - Decreases the ADS time by 25% but elevates Sprint-to-Fire delay by 15%.
  • Underbarrel - "Fighter Grip Tape aka Striker Foregrip" - Enhances the movement (operator) and ADS movement speeds by 3% and 5%, respectively.
  • Barrel - "Heavy Barrel (Long) aka 5.8" Cavalry Lancer" - 88% enhanced damage to vehicles.
OTs 9's stats, after using the recommended attachments (Image via Acitivision)
OTs 9's stats, after using the recommended attachments (Image via Acitivision)

Interestingly, the attachments only impact mobility and accuracy, as the former slightly decreases and the latter increases accordingly. Here are the stats of OTs 9 SMG in Call of Duty Mobile, before and after using developers' recommended attachments:

Before equipping the attachments :

  • Damage: 27
  • Accuracy: 43
  • Range: 43
  • Fire Rate: 86
  • Mobility: 102
  • Control: 42

After equipping the attachments:

  • Damage: 27
  • Accuracy: 49
  • Range: 43
  • Fire Rate: 86
  • Mobility: 100
  • Control: 42
The random trajectory seems unchanged with the recommended attachments (Image via Activision)
The random trajectory seems unchanged with the recommended attachments (Image via Activision)

OTs 9 SMG remains mobile and has enhanced magazine capacity and better accuracy. However, it will still be unstable due to vertical and horizontal recoil patterns. Control issues are visible in the gun's random trajectory (20m), almost unchanged before and after using the said attachments.

To counter the recoil, players can consider using Sportskeeda's recommended loadout attachments for OTs 9 SMG in Call of Duty Mobile Season 4. It will make the gun more accurate and stable but decreases mobility, which players should remember.

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