Destiny 2 Hotfix Firmly Planted nerf, Glaive changes, and more

Destiny 2 classes holding the exotic Glaives (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 classes holding the exotic Glaives (Image via Bungie)

Similar to other updates in the game, patches in Destiny 2 are an important factor. Bungie looks to put the 'service' in the live service title, as a huge sandbox comes with a game-changing bug. Thankfully, the company tends to deal with the changes rather quickly.

In a recent update, players got the hotfix version of, which fixes a lot of ongoing issues with perks and Glaives. A few things were also tweaked within the Wellspring Attack, PsiOps Battlegrounds, and Trials of Osiris. All changes are listed in the article below.

Hotfix of Destiny 2 went live with the weekly reset of March 29

Every fixed issue with the recent Destiny 2 weekly reset on March 29 is as follows:

1) Activities

The WellSpring: Attack

  • Fixed an issue where players were able to avoid being pulled into the boss arena during an encounter when pressed up against Hive shield barriers
  • Fixed an issue where players that joined the activity late would prevent activity barriers from spawning, blocking further Wellspring progression.
  • Fixed an issue where Wizards and carried objects could be pushed to sink through the middle pillar, soft-locking the entrance.

PsiOps Battlegrounds

  • Fixed an issue in the Cosmodrome that blocked players from picking up Captured Light, blocking further progression.

Trials of Osiris

  • Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris mementos were not dropping when players claimed their first Flawless chest of the week.

2) Gameplay and Investment


  • Fixed an issue where combatants would remain stun-locked indefinitely when hit with a Glaive melee.
  • Balance tweaks were made to the Firmly Planted perk on Fusion Rifles. (Effectiveness reduced by 50%)
  • Glaives will now reach full charge after landing four successful projectile hits.


  • Suppressing Glaive now consumes (and requires) 10% weapon energy while applying suppression with the Glaive melee.


  • Child of the Old Gods will now more likely to reach its intended target, no longer bouncing off its directed path.

3) General

  • Fixed an issue that prevented stat trackers from counting weekly, Seasonal, and lifetime Vow of the Disciple raid carries.
  • Temporary removal of game credits from Destiny 2. The director node will return in a future update.

One of the most noteworthy changes here is the Firmly Planted. The perk was deemed broken inside PvP by a lot of players, where everyone could get a kill from 30m away. However, every stat from the perk has now been deduced by 50%.

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