Every Support-type Survivor in Evil Dead: The Game ranked

Players of Evil Dead: The Game can support their team using the Support type Survivors (Image via Gatlee/YouTube)
Players of Evil Dead: The Game can support their team using the Support type Survivors (Image via Gatlee/YouTube)

Evil Dead: The Game is an asymmetrical horror game centered around teamwork. Having a team of four Survivors work together to overpower the Kandarian Demon is no easy task. One of the best ways for players to ensure success in their mission is to have a quality team composition. There are four different types of Survivors, and each one brings unique benefits.

The Support-type characters do just what their name says - they support their team. However, each one does so a little bit differently. Because of this, there are some clear benefits to having each one on their team and certain ones are a little bit stronger than others when it comes to keeping their team alive. Players who choose a Support character will want to stick with their team to win.

Ranking Support-type Survivors in Evil Dead: The Game


Having a player that can keep their team alive can often be a key component in a group that lives or dies. This is not a role to be taken lightly, and players who pick one of these characters will want to ensure they are of that mindset.

It's easy to get overwhelmed by the Deadites in Evil Dead: The Game, but a shining beacon of hope in a Support type can make all the difference.

3) Pablo Simon Bolivar


One of the things that makes a Support-type Survivor so potent is their ability to keep themselves and their teammates alive. In Evil Dead: The Game, this is accomplished a little differently for each character.

Pablo deals with shielding and creating amulets for players to pick up to increase their shields. However, because of his long cooldown, his support abilities suffer. His skills include:

  • Gift From El Brujo Especial: Activate this skill to begin creating an amulet and then drop it to the ground on completion.
  • Infernal Camouflage: Demons can no longer detect you using Demon Vision.
  • Legacy Of El Brujo: Begin the match with an additional amulet.
  • Shamanic Protection: Your shield bar will gradually recover until you have at least one full bar.

Though Pablo can certainly help out, he is more centered around keeping himself alive and shielded than his team. Because of this, he is placed last on the list of Support characters as the other two choices are much stronger to help a team.

2) Cheryl Williams


Cheryl is the best choice for those looking for the most straightforward support in Evil Dead: The Game. Her active ability places a large healing ring on the ground that quickly heals all players who stand inside it. It's insanely strong and can offset a lot of damage very quickly. The problem she has is that most of her skills rely on having Shemp's Cola, and without it, she suffers. Her skills include:

  • Healing Touch: Activate this ability to create a healing zone for you and your teammates.
  • Cola Coaster: Carry more Shemp's Cola and start the match with an extra one in your inventory.
  • Contact Courage: Drinking a Shemp's Cola partially reduces your fear and the fear of nearby teammates.
  • Contact Healing: When you drink a Shemp's Cola, nearby teammates will also gain health.

Her overall healing abilities are great. However, because she relied on Shemp's Cola for three of her abilities, she is very item dependent, which can hold her back from her true potential. But for beginners looking for a great way to learn healing and support in Evil Dead: The Game, this is a great choice.

1) Ash Williams (The Evil Dead)


What separates Ash from the other healers on this list is his ability to dish out healing while dealing damage continuously. There will always be Deadites around to kill, and doing so will keep healing Ash and any of his nearby teammates.

In addition, he can remove fear from his teammates, which can not allow the Demon to possess them. Any Demon player will want to kill Ash first. His skills are:

  • Reassuring Presence: This ability reduces fear levels for you and your nearby teammates when activated.
  • Alternative Healing: Successful heavy melee attacks partially restore health for you and your nearby teammates.
  • Marked Target: Damage: Headshots will mark the target; a follow-up shot from a teammate will deal additional damage.
  • Marked Target: Healing: Headshots will mark the target; a follow-up shot from a teammate will restore a percentage of the damage to them as health.

There are few things more frustrating than playing as a Demon and watching Ash single-handedly restore his entire teams health while simultaneously killing all the Deadites just summoned. Because of this, his constant pressure makes him the best Support character in all of Evil Dead: The Game.

Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.

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