Genshin Impact 1.6 leaks: Kazuha's double jump ability, Elemental absorption burst, and skill animations revealed

Kazuha's double jump ability and other skills in Genshin Impact 1.6 (Image via lumie_lumie/Twitter)
Kazuha's double jump ability and other skills in Genshin Impact 1.6 (Image via lumie_lumie/Twitter)

Beta testing for Genshin Impact 1.6 is live, and data miners have already started extracting content out of it. The leaks have revealed an upcoming 5-star character named Kiryu Kazuha, who has become the latest fan-favorite of the Genshin Impact community.

After revealing Kazuha's full name, affiliation, idle animations, and character models, a new set of leaks has revealed his Elemental skill, burst, and unique double-jump ability.

The developers have been trying to introduce a new meta apart from Elemental reactions for a long time. As a result, DPS characters like Ganyu and Xiao, with their charged attack and plunge attack abilities, have been introduced.

With the addition of Kazuha, the meta for the support and utility role will be improved for sure.

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Genshin Impact 1.6 leaks reveal Kazuha's double jump ability

The leak comes from Dimbreath, a popular data miner in the Genshin Impact community. According to the latest leaks posted by the data miner, the upcoming 5-star character Kazuha will have a unique double jump ability that takes two separate moves to be executed. To perform the double jump, players will need to use Kazuha's Elemental skill while present in mid-air.

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Kazuha's Elemental Skill "Chihayafuru" creates an implosion and lifts the character into the air. What makes it special is the ability can be used while airborne. This means players can click the normal jump button and use Kazuha's Elemental Burst in mid-air to jump even higher and perform a strong plunge attack.

Chihayafuru, the Elemental Skill, seems to be a hybrid of Venti's skill and Xiao's plunge attack. Although it looks like a combo created by the users, it isn't. According to the leaked description of Kazuha's Elemental Skill, this move is called "Ranran Haishi."

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Kazuha's Elemental burst absorbs the reacting element in Genshin Impact 1.6

Kazuha's elemental burst, "Manyou No Ittou," will have two effects in Genshin Impact 1.6.

Using the "Ultimate Garyu Technique," Kazuha performs a single slash followed by a storm that deals AoE Anemo-damage to the surrounding opponents. His blade's passage leaves behind a field named "Ruka Akino," which also deals Anemo-damage at specific intervals to the opponents present within the field.

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The second effect of Kazuha's Elemental burst is called Elemental Absorption. When Ruka Akino comes into contact with Hydro, Pyro, Electro, or Cryo element, it deals with elemental damage of that kind via Swirl reaction. Like Sucrose, Jean, and Venti's burst, elemental absorption can only occur once per burst.

Genshin Impact has done a great job designing Kazuha's combat moves, burst animations, and unique double jump ability. Although his elemental resembles a hybrid of Xiao and Venti's skills, it's one of the coolest Elemental Skills in the game for sure.

View the Genshin Impact Beginner guide here.

His Elemental Burst with such a large AoE radius will be helpful in Spiral Abyss and while dealing with a large group of enemies in Genshin Impact 1.6.

Relevant: Genshin Impact 1.6 leaks: Kazuha's Elemental burst and idle animation revealed