Genshin Impact 2.2 Weapon Banner Pity and Epitomized Path explained

Genshin Impact players can now wish for Staff of Homa in the weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)
Genshin Impact players can now wish for Staff of Homa in the weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

The new rotation of Epitome Invocation has officially been released, and Genshin Impact players can now summon the fan-favorite weapons 'Staff of Homa' and 'Elegy for the End'.

Staff of Homa is one of the best 5-star polearms in Genshin Impact. It can be equipped either by a DPS (Damage Per Second) or a supporting character, dealing massive damage provided by the sub-stats and passive skill.

On the other hand, Elegy for the End is not a bombastic 5-star bow as others might expect. In fact, it is not suitable for any DPS character in Genshin Impact. Only a handful of supporting characters such as Venti and Kujou Sara can take advantage of the bow.

How pity works in Epitome Invocation of Genshin Impact

The current Epitome Invocation banner features two formidable 5-star weapons, Staff of Homa and Elegy for the End in Genshin Impact. Players are guaranteed a five-star item once every 80 wishes on the weapon banner. The number of wishes spent on the banner since the last five-star weapon is referred to as "pity."

Fortunately, as the weapon banner changes, a player's pity will also be brought over and won't be reset. For example, if a gamer had 10 pity during the last Epitome Invocation banner (featuring Polar Star and Memory of Dust), that 10 pity will remain now that the current banner has begun.

As mentioned before, Genshin Impact players will get a 5-star weapon when pity reaches 80. Unfortunately, it is not guaranteed that they will obtain the promoted weapon.

For the current weapon banner, the chance of getting Staff of Homa or Elegy for the End is 75%. The other 25% will be other 5-star weapons in Genshin Impact. If, by any chance, a player receives a weapon that is not a promotional weapon, then the next 5-star weapon is guaranteed to be a promotional weapon.

Genshin Impact players are more likely to earn their next five-star before they reach 80 wishes because of a feature known as "soft pity."

Soft pity refers to the increased 5-star drop rates when players pass 60+ wishes. In other words, most players who aren't up against a 75-25 should be able to get either Staff of Homa or Elegy for the End without needing to spend 80 wishes.

Epitomized Path mechanic in Genshin Impact weapon banner

Chart a course for one promotional weapon through Epitomized Path (Image via Genshin Impact)
Chart a course for one promotional weapon through Epitomized Path (Image via Genshin Impact)

Epitomized Path is a mechanic added to the weapon banner in Genshin Impact version 2.0. This mechanic allows players to chart a course between two promotional weapons.

Once they have charted a course, they will obtain 1 Fate Point when receiving a 5-star weapon that is not the one they choose. A maximum of 2 Fate Points can be obtained from the weapon banner.

By the time they accumulate the maximum Fate Points, their next 5-star weapon is guaranteed to be the one they choose through the Epitomized Path. In other words, Genshin Impact players are confirmed to have obtained their chosen weapon by 240 wishes.

The current banner will run for three weeks until the end of Genshin Impact version 2.2. Staff of Homa is a powerful weapon suitable for both DPS and supporting characters in Genshin Impact. Thus, players who wish to strengthen their roster should consider pulling on the weapon banner while it lasts.

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