Genshin Impact 2.6 Ayaka release date, 4-stars and all weapon reruns

Ayaka with Mistsplitter and The Unforged (Image via Genshin Impact)
Ayaka with Mistsplitter and The Unforged (Image via Genshin Impact)

The second phase of Genshin Impact starts in a week and Ayaka fans will finally get to see Kamisato Ayaka return to the event-wish banners.

The 2.6 Special Program has already revealed that phase 2 will only have Kamisato Ayaka's solo rerun along with the Epitome Invocation (Weapon Banner). Genshin Impact officials have released Ayaka's upcoming banner "The Heron's Court" which is set to drop on April 19, 2022. They have also released the weapon banner for phase 2, where the Mistplitter Reforged will make a return with another 5-star weapon.

This article will cover everything about the upcoming phase 2 banners including Ayaka’s banner, the weapon’s banner, and their release date in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact: All about the upcoming Ayaka banner and Epitome Invocation

Interestingly, Kamisato Ayaka's banner "The Heron's Court" and Epitome Invocation will drop at the same time. Phase 2 of 2.6 will be available from April 19 to May 10, 2022.

Kamisato Ayaka "The Heron's Court" Banner

Kamisato Ayaka's upcoming banner (Image via Genshin Impact)
Kamisato Ayaka's upcoming banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

Kamisato Ayaka's upcoming banner will include:

  • Kamisato Ayaka
  • Rosaria
  • Razor
  • Sayu

Players should definitely summon this banner if they do not have decent Cryo characters for Freeze team compositions. Kamisato Ayaka and Rosaria are must-have characters to build Freeze teams.

Ayaka is an excellent DPS character who can deal massive Cryo damage through her Elemental Skill and Burst. On the other hand, Rosaria is known for her unique Elemental Burst where she can provide additional Crit-rate to all party members (except herself) and can also perform as a battery for Cryo DPS in Freeze teams.

Razor and Sayu also have great synergy when it comes to Freeze and Superconduct teams. Razor can be the trigger for superconduct reactions and deal more physical damage, whereas Sayu is an Anemo healer.

Epitome Invocation (Weapon Banner)

2.6 phase 2 weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)
2.6 phase 2 weapon banner (Image via Genshin Impact)

Unsurprisingly, players will see Kamisato Ayaka's signature weapon make a return in the upcoming weapon banner. The upcoming weapons banner will drop with the following weapons:

  • Mistsplitter Reforged (Crit DMG)
  • The Unforged (ATK%)
  • Favonius Warbow (Energy Recharge)
  • Favonius Sowrd (Energy Recharge)
  • Favonius Lance (Energy Recharge)
  • Favonius Codex (Energy Recharge)
  • The Bell (HP%)

This is a great weapon banner to summon if players are looking for 5-star weapons for their primary damage dealers.

Players will have a chance to summon any weapon from the Favonius series that has Energy Recharge as the secondary sub-stat, which is especially useful for characters who need a lot of energy to have their Elemental Burst on demand. These characters may include Diona, Yunjin, Sayu, and many more.

This is everything players need to know about the upcoming phase 2 banners that will include Kamisato Ayaka's banner alongside the Epitome Invocation (weapon banner). Keep in mind that these banners will be available for 20 days, so players can do their research before spending their hard-earned Primogems.

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