Genshin Impact 2.7 banners: Xiao, Yelan, and 5-star weapons leaked

5-star characters and weapons from phase 1 were leaked (Image via Genshin Impact)
5-star characters and weapons from phase 1 were leaked (Image via Genshin Impact)

The upcoming patch of Genshin Impact 2.7 is coming up soon this May, and leaks about the upcoming banners have started rolling in. Officials have already introduced Yelan and Kuki Shinobu who are set to arrive with the 2.7 banners. However, the latest leaks have revealed that phase 1 will witness a character re-run as well.

Hence, the first half of the upcoming 2.7 patch will drop the following 5-stars:

  • Character Banners - Yelan & Xiao
  • Eptiome Invocation - Aqua Simulacra & Primordial Jade Winged-Spear

The new patch 2.7 & the banners are scheduled to launch on May 11, 2022, if there is no delay due to the pandemic situation. Here’s everything players need to know about the upcoming 5-star characters & weapons in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact 2.7 leaks: Phase 1 characters and weapon banners leaked

According to the leaks, an insider who previously provided the correct information about patch 2.4's character banners & patch 2.5's weapon banners has revealed information about the upcoming 2.7 banners. The insider revealed that the first half of 2.7 will have double banners, with Yelan sharing the Character Event Wish banner with Xiao.

Additionally, the 4-star characters who will have a boosted drop-rate along with the 5-star have also been revealed. The 4-star characters that will feature in Yelan and Xiao's banners are:

  • Noelle
  • Barbara
  • Yanfei

Xiao's first rerun was launched in January 2022, and the second rerun has already been leaked to launch in May 2022. Many have responded to this on Reddit and other social media platforms, wondering about the reason behind such developments.

Another credible leaker, who goes by the name BLANK, answered this for the masses. The new storyline for the upcoming Genshin Impact patch 2.7 named Perilous Trail has Xiao as one of the main characters. Another factor that explains Xiao's early rerun is the release of the Vermillion Hereafter artifact set in the current patch 2.6, which is being considered as Xiao's best-in-slot artifacts.

Epitome Invocation will feature two signature weapons

5-star weapons appearing in phase 1 of patch 2.7 (Image via Genshin Impact)
5-star weapons appearing in phase 1 of patch 2.7 (Image via Genshin Impact)

Based on the latest leaks, the first half of patch 2.7 will feature two signature weapons in the Eptiome Invocation (weapon banner). The 5-star weapons that will feature are:

  • Aqua Simulacra (Secondary Stat - Crit DMG)
  • Primordial Jade Winged-Spear (Secondary Stat - Crit Rate)

The latest leaks have not mentioned any 4-star weapons that will feature, so players might have to wait for further leaks or Genshin Impact 2.7 livestream to find out about them.

Phase 1 banners share the release date with the launch of patch 2.7. If there are no delays, players can expect patch 2.7 to launch on May 11, 2022.

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