Genshin Impact 3.2 Spiral Abyss enemies and best teams to prepare

Spiral Abyss 3.2 leaks and best teams (Image via Genshin Impact)
Spiral Abyss 3.2 leaks and best teams (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact is a few days away from the latest 3.2 update. The new patch will also update the existing Spiral Abyss with new enemy lineups. Spiral Abyss is currently the only endgame content that involves team building and grinding for artifact sets. Players will need to use the best teams to complete each floor within the stipulated time limit.

Fortunately, the recent 3.2 leaks have revealed enemy lineups for the upcoming Spiral Abyss, wherein players can use this advantage to create team composition accordingly.

The following article will cover the enemy lineup in the version 3.2 update and the best teams to prepare in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact 3.2: Latest leaks reveal new Spiral Abyss enemy lineups

Reliable sources have revealed the enemy lineup for the new Spiral Abyss coming to the 3.2 update. The new patch will launch on November 2 and the Spiral Abyss will drop together with the patch release. Keep in mind that these lineups are from leaks and can have slight changes during official release.


Genshin Impact 3.2 floor 11 contains a different mix of enemies from Inazuma, Sumeru, and Enkanomiya. Players will be up against mob types such as Specters, Eremites, Inazuman treasure hoarders, and Inazuman Samurais. Additionally, a new boss named Dendro Hypostasis will appear in the chambers. Here is a list of all enemies from Floor 11:

Chamber 1:

  • First Half: Hydro, Anemo, Cryo, and Geo Specters
  • Second Half: Eremites and a Fatui Pyro Agent

Chamber 2:

  • First Half: Ruin Drake
  • Second Half: Fatui Cryo, Pyro, and Electro Potioneers, Nobushi Jintouban and Hitsukeban, Mirror Mage

Chamber 3:

  • First Half: Primordial Bathysmal Vishap
  • Second Half: Dendro Hypostasis


Floor 12 contains fewer enemies but they happen to be more tanky. Shield characters were ineffective in the first half of the chambers when against Shadowy Husks, hence, players will need at least one Electro character to defeat Rifthounds smoothly. Furthermore, the second half requires teams with high single-target damage potential. Having bow characters will help players with their auto attacks to have an easier time dealing damage against moving enemies.

Here is a list of all enemies from Floor 12:

Chamber 1:

  • First Half: Thundercraven Rifthound and Riftwhelp
  • Second Half: Thunder Manifestation

Chamber 2:

  • First Half: Black Serpent Knight: Windcutter, Shadowy Husk: Defender, Line Breaker, and Standard Bearer
  • Second Half: Frostarm Lawachurl

Chamber 3:

  • First Half: Aeonblight Drake
  • Second Half: Eremite Stone Enchanter and Eremite Galehunter

Genshin Impact: Best teams to use on Spiral Abyss 3.2

The Genshin Impact 3.2 banner will introduce new Sumeru characters such as Nahida and Layla. Additionally, Childe and Yae Miko will have their character reruns. Considering that players are skipping Nahida's banner, they can refer to the reddit post above to find the best teams to use in Sprial Abyss 3.2.

Based on the Reddit post, here are some of the best Genshin Impact teams players can use:

  • Childe International Team
  • Raiden National Team
  • Keqing Aggravate Team
  • Vaporize Team

Genshin Impact players will be getting new leyline disorders on Floor 11 to promote new Dendro reaction teams. However, stats reveal that maximum players continue to use meta characters such as Kazuha, Bennett, and Zhongli, besides others. Players can once again refer to the Reddit post above to find out the usage rate of individual characters in the previous Spiral Abyss.

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