Genshin Impact 3.3 leaks: Raiden Shogun rerun and character banner details

Raiden confirmed to rerun in second half of patch 3.3 (Image via HoYoverse)
Raiden confirmed to rerun in the second half of patch 3.3 (Images via HoYoverse)

Recently, the Genshin Impact community has received even more leaks about the patch 3.3 update from credible sources. This time, leakers have confirmed the third rerun of Raiden Shogun's banner, Reign of Serenity, in the upcoming patch. Additionally, sources have also revealed that Raiden Shogun's rerun banner will be featured in Phase II of the 3.3 banners.

Those who are aware of Genshin Impact drip marketing's strategies may be aware that brand new 5-star characters usually drop in Phase I banners, which is why the Wanderer's debut banner will be featured in Phase I of patch 3.3 along with a 5-star rerun later on. Here is everything known about the 3.3 rerun banners from the latest Genshin Impact leaks.

Genshin Impact: 3.3 leaks confirm Raiden Shogun's rerun and more

Genshin Impact officials were quick to release drip marketing posts that revealed the Wanderer (Scaramouche) and Faruzan's debut in the patch 3.3 update. HoYoverse has a trend of dropping new characters in the first half of every patch. Hence, fans should prepare accordingly for Scaramouche and Faruzan's debut in the Phase I banners of the upcoming patch.

With every passing day, the community receives more information about the upcoming character reruns. Based on the reliable 3.3 leaks shown in the tweet above, it has been confirmed that Raiden Shogun will return in the second half of the 3.3 banners. This will be her second rerun and will complete the Archon series started by Zhongli in the patch 3.0 update.

As of now, only one 4-star character named Faruzan has been confirmed to appear on the character event banners. Players will have to wait until the end of patch 3.2 to receive any concrete information about any other 4-stars in the 3.3 banners.

Other potential character reruns in Genshin Impact 3.3

Here is a list of characters that will most likely return to patch 3.3 banners for a rerun:

  • Arataki Itto
  • Eula Lawrence
  • Kamisato Ayato

Keep in mind that the list shown above is based on speculation and must be taken with a grain of salt.

The leaks have also confirmed the arrival of a new event involving Arataki Itto in the upcoming patch. Additionally, recent Spiral Abyss 3.3 leaks have shown Rockfond Rifthounds and Rockfond Rifthound Whelps to be on Floor 12. With all of this information, the Genshin Impact community is convinced that Arataki Itto will be featured in the patch 3.3 update.

Nevertheless, there is still an ongoing debate on whether Eula or Ayato will be rerun in the upcoming patch.

The most recent speculation within the community suggests that Eula will return to banners before Ayato. Eula had her last rerun 11 months ago and Ayato debuted just eight months ago. By the time the patch 3.3 banner drops, Eula will have been away from the event wish banner for a whole year, making her a far more likely candidate for a rerun.

Based on current speculation, the following character banner order will be followed for the patch 3.3 update:

  • Phase I - Scaramouche + Faruzan + Eula
  • Phase II - Raiden + Itto

At the moment, there is no way to confirm the accuracy of these rumors. Hence, the only thing that players can do is wait for more Genshin Impact leaks or official announcements about the upcoming character banners.

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