Genshin Impact Scaramouche leaks: Materials, ascension resources, gameplay and talent books for Wanderer

Scaramouche leaks reveal pre-farming materials and gameplay (Image via Genshin Impact)
Scaramouche leaks reveal pre-farming materials and gameplay (Image via Genshin Impact)

With the recent drip marketing and 3.3 beta leaks, Scaramouche is confirmed to debut in the Genshin Impact 3.3 update. The latest leaks have revealed all of his ascension and talent materials. Fortunately, his materials are now available in the current patch 3.2 update and players can start pre-farming them for him.

Additionally, credible sources have also shared leaked gameplay footage of the Wanderer. The leaked gameplay footage showcases all of his idle animations as well as his entire kit. Players can take a look at the gameplay footage to get a brief idea of his abilities and whether they should pull for him. Here is everything players need to know about Scaramouche's farming materials and gameplay in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact 3.3 leaks reveal Scaramouche resources and gameplay footage

The tweet above showcases the farming materials required for Scaramouche's ascension and to max out his talent levels. Keep in mind that this information is based on datamined leaks, so expect minor changes before the final release. However, datamined leaks are usually accurate when it comes to farming materials, so players can rely on this tweet and start pre-farming.

For max ascension, players will need to collect the following from Genshin Impact:

  • Vayuda Turquoise Sliver x 1
  • Vayuda Turquoise Fragment x 9
  • Vayuda Turquoise Chunk x 9
  • Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone x 6
  • Perpetual Caliber x 46
  • Rukkhashava Mushrooms x 168
  • Old Handguard x 18
  • Kageuchi Handguard x 30
  • Famed Handguard x 36

You can use the Adventurer's Book to track down Aeonblight, Nobushi, and Kairagis to obtain his ascension materials. For the Rukkhashava Mushrooms Local Specialty, players can refer to the official interactive map or YouTube guides.

To max out all three talents of Scaramouche, Genshin Impact players will need to collect the following:

  • Teaching of Praxis x 9
  • Guide to Praxis x 63
  • Philosophies of Praxis x 114
  • Old Handguard x 18
  • Kageuchi Handguard x 66
  • Famed Handguard x 93
  • Daka's Bell x 18
  • Crown of Insight x 3

Genshin Impact players can spend their resins on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays to farm the Praxis talent books. Daka's Bell can be collected from the new Scamouche trounce domain. Players will have to complete the latest Archon quest to unlock the new weekly boss.

Genshin Impact 3.3: Leaked gameplay footage of Scaramouche

Credible sources have shared leaked gameplay footage of Scaramouche in the tweet above. Based on what's shown here, there's a good chance that the video attached will be taken down in the future. Hence, the article will summarize all the content shown in the leaked gameplay footage.

The leaked footage shows all his idle animations at the beginning of the video. As a 5-star character, Scaramouche has two idle animations. Here is a quick rundown:

  • Idle animation 1: Looking at his Anemo vision
  • Idle animation 2: Teases players by showing a glimpse of his powers

The second idle animation in particular shows the mischievous/funny nature of the Wanderer in Genshin Impact.

The video then continues to showcase his normal and charged attacks. The normal attack has a three-hit combo dealing Anemo damage, while his charged attack is an upward Anemo strike. The character's Elemental Skill allows Scaramouche to hover and attack from the air. His Elemental Burst, on the other hand, is capable of dealing large amounts of AoE Anemo damage. The Burst might have some crowd control attributed to it, but since no enemies were shown in the leaked footage, there is no concrete proof yet.