Genshin Impact 4.0 to bring new boating mechanic in Fontaine

New underwater mechanics are coming in Fontaine (Image via Genshin Impact)
New underwater mechanics are coming in Fontaine (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact leaks have revealed that the 4.0 update will improve the game's water travel. According to these leaks, Fontaine will feature new diving and boating mechanics that will allow players to explore a vast new area under the sea.

Fans who enjoy nautical adventures will definitely enjoy this new feature, and although there aren't any images of this new system yet, leakers have provided some interesting descriptions of what's to come.

Genshin Impact 4.0 leaks: Fontaine brings new diving and boating features

According to new leaks about Genshin Impact's next major region, Fontaine, version 4.0 will feature a ton of water-based movement updates, including high-speed boating, diving, and undersea exploration. This makes sense considering that Fontaine is the land of Hydro and that the region is known to be full of water to explore.

Fans will need a much faster boat than the one currently in the game if they are to explore a water-based region like Fontaine. This new boat is likely equipped with technology from the region that allows it to move at a much faster pace.

According to these leaks, there will also be undersea areas for players to explore, with fans being able to sink under the waves to find new items and defeat powerful enemies. It's likely that these undersea areas will feature tons of treasure and hidden loot, so fans will want to make sure they prepare to dive as they explore Fontaine.

As was previously revealed by an NPC, Fontaine has a diving certification system that will teach players how to dive deep below the water. This is likely a necessity for people who live in the region as they need to interact with water on a daily basis. This may even be as crucial as a gliding license, and fans may be able to look forward to a quest featuring this diving license in the future.

According to leaks, Fontaine's underwater mechanics extend beyond simply diving to grab treasure, and there may be an entire area dedicated to underwater travel. These mechanics also extend to collectibles like clamshells and barnacles that players can scavage from the depths. These items likely will be used for ascension materials, with Fontaine natives like Lyney and Lynette possibly requiring the undersea items.

Genshin Impact players will definitely want to keep an eye out for more information on this diving system. However, the 4.0 update won't be released until late 2023, and it will likely be a while before more information is revealed.

This update will bring an entirely new region to the game, giving players the chance to explore the land of Fontaine for themselves. The region is still largely a mystery, but previous events in the game have revealed that Fontaine is far ahead in technology compared to the rest of Teyvat.

Genshin Impact leaks have revealed a new traversal method that will be released alongside the upcoming region Fontaine.

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