Leaks suggest that the Genshin Impact Anniversary Update (2022) might rerun two popular characters

Ganyu and Zhongli may be returning (Image via Genshin Impact)
Ganyu and Zhongli may be returning (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact 3.0 may feature the return of two powerful characters from Liyue (Ganyu and Zhongli), giving fans another chance to acquire them during their travels through Sumeru. The 3.0 update will bring a ton of new content, including new characters, quests, and an entirely new element for players to take advantage of.

The land of Dendro will boast many hidden secrets for gamers to uncover, and they'll want to collect as many Primogems as they can to summon for these powerful characters.

Here's what leaks are saying about a possible rerun during the 3.0 update.

Genshin Impact 3.0 leaks suggest the possibility of Ganyu and Zhongli returning

According to a reliable leaker, Genshin Impact 3.0 will feature the return of Ganyu and Zhongli for another rerun during the second half of the update. Fans who have been saving up their Primogems to summon characters from Sumeru may want to gather some extras if they need a strong Cryo DPS or one of the game's most reliable tanks.

Ganyu still tops the charts when it comes to DPS, thanks to her insane AOE potential. Zhongli is never far from the game's top tier either because of his invaluable shields.

This rerun would be Zhongli's fourth rerun and Ganyu's third, meaning some fans may get the opportunity to grab some useful constellations during their reappearance. This rerun is likely to arrive during the second half of the 3.0 update, and players will be able to look forward to it around September 14. The rerun may also feature the game's newest 4-star character Dori, an Electro healer who can provide a lot of value to a team.

Ganyu remains a stellar choice for some of the game's hardest content, thanks to her massive AOE Cryo damage. She can synergize well with either a Freeze or Melt focused team, and she can tear through most of the game's bosses with ease. Unfortunately, Cryo and Dendro don't seem to synergize well, and this could result in Ganyu not being too helpful in Sumeru. However, she's still a great character to add to a roster.

Zhongli has remained one of Genshin Impact's best 5-star characters ever since his initial buffs because of his insane shields and high team value. He has become even more useful recently, thanks to his synergy with many characters as a provider of Geo Resonance. Players who need more survivability in the Spiral Abyss or overworld will definitely want to grab Zhongli from his next rerun banner.

Given that the 3.0 update is still a few weeks away, there is still the possibility of a banner change before the update goes live, but without leaks indicating another new 5-star in the update, a rerun is certainly in store. Players will likely see at least one of these powerful 5-star characters make a return as the Traveler explores the land of Dendro.

Genshin Impact 3.0 will bring back several of the game's most popular characters from Liyue, and fans won't want to miss out.