Genshin Impact leaker shares details about Fontaine's (Hydro nation) location

Lyney and Lynette hail from Fontaine (Image via Genshin Impact)
Lyney and Lynette hail from Fontaine (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact has a ton of unexplored regions that are set to arrive in the future, including the land of Hydro, Fontaine. Fontaine has already appeared in the game's story quite a few times, with tons of events featuring new inventions from the technologically advanced region.

Fontaine seems to be ahead of most regions when it comes to creating technology like cameras and other unique mechanisms, giving them an edge in innovation and scientific advancement. Players who are interested in this region can learn more about its placement in the world here, thanks to some new Genshin Impact leaks.

Genshin Impact leaks reveal new information about Fontaine

Fontaine has been one of Genshin Impact's most anticipated regions for fans of technology and the steampunk aesthetic. Thanks to its appearances in several of the game's most memorable events, Fontaine has made a surprisingly large impact on the community even though no characters hail from the region just yet. There have been a few NPCs who have shown up around the world that bring new innovations from Fontaine, and this is how players acquired items like their Kamera.

Now, thanks to new leaks from genshinBLANK, players have learned that Fontaine lies to the north of Sumeru, where it connects to Liyue's Qiaoying Village. Upon heading in that direction, players will reach the land of Hydro, Fontaine, a land governed by judgement and justice above all. The Hydro Archon enforces these laws strictly, making this region one with some very harsh punishments for rulebreakers.

Characters like Lyney and Lynette will appear in the upcoming region, likely being the main 5-star characters of Fontaine's story. It's unknown exactly what their backstory is, but they appear to either be performers or some kind of phantom thieves. If the second is true, this could conflict with Fontaine's focus on upholding justice, which would prove to be a very interesting story.

Players likely won't be heading to Fontaine for quite a while, as the region of Sumeru has plenty of updates left. Fontaine's release is most likely not until Genshin Impact 4.0, which will arrive around summer next year, if the game follows its typical update schedule.

This means players won't be able to meet these new characters for a long time, but given how often Fontaine has appeared in events, it's likely that even more teases of this unique region will appear before then.

Given the size of the missing area between Liyue, Sumeru, and Mondstadt, Fontaine may be a very large addition to the game. Players will definitely want to keep their eyes peeled for any new information about this region, as it might be one of the larger additions to Teyvat's world. With the possibility of advanced technology, a unique justice system, tons of Hydro characters, and a very interesting Archon, fans won't want to miss out on the release of Fontaine.

Genshin Impact leaks have revealed more information about the new region of Fontaine.

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