Genshin Impact Nahida leaks: Release date, unique passive, Elemental Burst, Skill, and gameplay clips

Recent Nahida leaks from 3.2 public beta (Image via Genshin Impact)
Looking at recent Nahida leaks from the 3.2 public beta (Image via Genshin Impact)

The latest Genshin Impact leaks have brought in new information about the upcoming Dendro Archon, Nahida. The 5-star Dendro Catalyst user is scheduled to debut in the upcoming patch 3.2 update.

Fans may already be aware of Nahida's passive ability that allows her to collect harvestable items with her Elemental Skill, with a fixed AoE range for this passive ability. More recently, credible sources have revealed a new piece of information about her passive ability. Based on the latest leaks, it seems that Nahida can also use her Elemental Skill to read the minds of Sumeru NPCs. Here is everything that players need to know about Nahida from the latest leaks.

Genshin Impact 3.2: Beta leaks reveal Nahida's release date and unique passive ability

Genshin Impact 3.2 public beta has confirmed that Nahida, Sumeru's Dendro Archon, will be playable in the upcoming patch 3.2 update. Players must have already seen Nahida's character model during the Archon Quest and are eagerly waiting for her debut on the character event banners.

Reliable sources have revealed that Nahida is rumored to debut in the first half of the patch 3.2 banners. The new patch and the Phase I banners are scheduled to arrive on November 2, 2022.

The most recent public beta leaks have also brought more information about Nahida's third passive ability, On All Things Meditated. Early leaks have already revealed her passive ability allows her to collect harvestable items using the hold version of Elemental Skill within a fixed AoE range.

It now appears that her passive ability has other effects as well. Nahida will be able to use the hold version of her Elemental Skill on Sumeru NPCs to read their minds. Currently in the public beta, a placeholder is being used instead of actual thoughts, which will likely be added to the final version of the Genshin Impact 3.2 update.

Genshin Impact 3.2 public beta leaks Nahida's gameplay clips


As the next playable Archon in Genshin Impact, Nahida has some unique and breathtaking animations for her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Leaks have revealed that Nahida's main source of damage and support will come from her Elemental Skill.

Elemental Skill - All Schemes to Know

The Elemental Skill can be cast with either a tap version or a hold version. Both versions perform differently, but mark opponents with a Seed of Skandha regardless.

Opponents marked with Seeds of Skandha will be linked to each other. When any one of them takes damage from an Elemental Reaction, the other marked enemies will also take Dendro damage, based on Nahida's ATK and Elemental Mastery.

Elemental Burst - Illusory Heart

Unlike other 5-stars in Genshin Impact who use their Elemental Burst to deal exponentially high damage, Nahida's Burst is different. When cast, the Dendro Archon will manifest and summon the Shrine of Maya.

The Shrine of Maya provides buffs based on the elemental type of characters present in the party. Here is a quick rundown of the different buffs:

  • Pyro: Skill damage is increased
  • Electro: Skill cooldown is reduced
  • Hydro: Burst duration will be increased

It is worth mentioning that all the information mentioned in the article is subject to change. The final version might differ from what was mentioned in Genshin Impact leaks.

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