Genshin Impact Sea Ganoderma locations: Yae Miko ascension material spots

Sea Ganoderma can be found throughout Inazuma (Image via Hoyoverse)
Sea Ganoderma can be found throughout Inazuma (Image via HoYoverse)

Genshin Impact players who plan to build Yae Miko will need tons of Sea Ganoderma to ascend her. These plants can be found along the shores of Inazuma, and fans will need to collect 168 of them if they want to max out her ascension level.

Luckily, there are plenty of these strange plants spread throughout the region, making it easy to raise Yae Miko's level. This article will offer the locations where Sea Ganoderma can be found as well as a farming route, so all 168 of them can be gathered.

Sea Ganoderma farming route and locations in Genshin Impact


Each Genshin Impact character requires their own unique material to ascend. In Yae Miko's case, it's the strange blue Sea Ganoderma. Gamers will want to make sure they can get her to an ascension level of 90 to maximize the damage she can deal in battle.

Players will be able to gather around 154 Sea Ganoderma throughout Inazuma's shores, getting them very close to being able to max out Yae Miko.

Incredibly, unlike many other characters in the game, she can actually reach max ascension in a single run by entering Enkanomiya. This is an area that some Genshin Impact fans may have been neglecting, but it holds many precious resources for the characters from Inazuma.

By entering Enkanomiya, gamers will be able to gather up to 175 Sea Ganoderma, which is a couple more than the materials needed to max out Yae Miko's ascension level.

This area will prove very helpful, as in the case of many of the game's characters, players are generally unable to gather enough materials in a single run. This simple fact makes Yae Miko one of the easiest characters to ascend in the game.

Fans can take advantage of this interactive map, which will provide them with the locations of Sea Ganoderma on all the islands in Inazuma. This plant is quite plentiful, so fans will want to keep an eye out as they explore the islands. They can be spotted easily due to their bright blue color, though it can be difficult to pick them all up quickly, considering that they are located in the water more often than not.

After Genshin Impact players collect all 168 Sea Ganoderma, there are only a few other ascension materials left to acquire for Yae Miko. She will need Vajrada Amethyst and Dragonheir's False Fin. both of which can be acquired by defeating Bathysmal Vishap bosses in Enkanomiya. She will also require Handguards. Players can farm these from the many wandering samurai in Inazuma.

Maximizing Yae Miko's damage

Players who want to maximize their Yae Miko's damage will also want to boost her Talent levels. To do so, they'll need Handguards, Inazuman Light talent books, and Raiden Shogun's The Meaning of Aeons. The last item can be farmed from the weekly boss. Considering a majority of her damage comes from her Elemental Skill, fans will want to make sure they max it out alongside her ascension.

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