Genshin Impact Sumeru characters: Element type, weapons and release roadmap

Sumeru teaser reveals new Sumeru characters and their origins (Image via Genshin Impact)
Sumeru teaser reveals new Sumeru characters and their origins (Image via Genshin Impact)

Genshin Impact's latest Sumeru teaser discloses more about Sumeru and a new "Akasha" system that uses Archon's gnosis. The teaser also educates the community about the types of people that stay in Sumeru and finally introduces some of the upcoming new characters.

Here is a list of all the upcoming characters that were teased in the Sumeru preview video:

  • Tighnari
  • Dehya
  • Nilou
  • Al-Haitham
  • Nahida
  • Cyno

The showcased characters have already been leaked by credible sources, but that was a while back. The latest video showcases the official first look of these characters. Here is everything players need to know about the Sumeru characters from the latest Genshin Impact video.

Genshin Impact: New and Upcoming Sumeru characters revealed in latest teaser


Genshin Impact uploaded the next part of the Sumeru Preview Teaser called the "Prelude to Wisdom". The latest teaser focuses on "Akasha" system, more information about flora-fauna, deset people "Eremites", and upcoming Sumeru characters.

This is huge for the Genshin Impact community as the teaser video officially showcases characters that were already leaked amongst fans quite a while back. Here is a list of all six new characters that were revealed in the teaser video:

  • Tighnari
  • Dehya
  • Nilou
  • Al-Haitam
  • Nahida
  • Cyno

There is a high possibility that these six characters will be dropped on the upcoming few banners. Hence, players should start saving Primogems for these new Genshin Impact characters.

Apart from their official appearances, all characters also receive a small introduction that includes either their occupation or origin.

Release Date, Element, and Weapons of new Sumeru characters

The above tweet is a compilation of all the Sumeru characters revealed in the Sumeru Preview Teaser. The compilations also include the vision these characters will be using along with their weapon of choice and their expected release on Sumeru's roadmap.

Starting with the upcoming patch 3.0 update, only Tighnari will be debuting in the character event banners along with a few new Sumeru 4-stars. Tighnari will be Sumeru's first 5-star character to appear on the banners. He wields Dendro's vision and has mastery over Bow weapons. Earlier leaks had referred to him as the "Dendro Ganyu".

Moving on to patch 3.1, players can expect Nilou and Cyno to be featured on the banners. Both of these characters have a 5-star rarity, but Nilou is a Hydro swordsman while Cyno is an Electro Polearm user. Patch 3.2 will have Dendro Catalyst Kusanali, also known as the mysterious girl, Nahida, from the Sumeru Preview Teaser.

From previous leaks, very little is known about Dehya and Alhaitham. With 5-star rarity, players can expect to see Dehya on the banner in patch 3.5, but no such information is available for Alhaitham. Dehya will be the first female Pyro Claymore user, while Alhaitham will become the first Dendro Swordsman.

Keep in mind that apart from Tighnari, the rest of the information mentioned about the new Sumeru characters is still STC (subject to change).

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