Genshin Impact Wanderer banner 4-stars and weapons officially revealed

3.3 character and weapon banners officially revealed (Image via HoYoverse)
Genshin Impact 3.3's character and weapon banners have been officially revealed (Image via HoYoverse)

With just a few days left for Genshin Impact's latest patch 3.3 update, players are eagerly waiting for the upcoming content. The most recent livestream has already revealed a list of 5-star characters that will be featured in the Event Wish banners. This gave the community a basic idea about the 5-star weapons that they will see on the Epitome Invocation banner as well.

Unfortunately, the livestream did not reveal any details about the upcoming 4-star characters and weapons. On that note, HoYoverse officials have finally revealed the patch 3.3 banner details. This Genshin Impact article will cover everything that players need to know about the recent official banner announcements.

All 4-star characters in the Wanderer's debut banner in Genshin Impact 3.3

Official event wish banner reveal (Image via HoYoverse)
Official event wish banner reveal (Image via HoYoverse)

The Wanderer's debut banner will be dropped alongside the version 3.3 update on December 7, 2022 at 11:00 am (UTC+8). The character event wish banner, From Ashes Reborn, will remain active in-game for three weeks until December 27, 2022.

For the duration of this character event wish banner, the event's exclusive 5-star Anemo character The Wanderer will receive a huge drop-rate boost. As for 4-star characters, three units will be featured, and will also receive a huge drop-rate boost:

  1. Faruzan (Anemo)
  2. Gorou (Geo)
  3. Yanfei (Pyro)

Although veteran Genshin Impact players may already know this, new players should note that the Wanderer is a limited character. This means that he can't be summoned from the standard wish banner "Wanderlust Invocation" even after his debut banner ends.

The Phase I banner will also feature Faruzan, a new 4-star character from Sumeru. Faruzan is an Anemo character with mastery over Bow weapons. Her unique kit allows her to provide different buffs for her party members while debuffing enemies. Gorou is an exceptional Geo unit who can support DEF-based characters, while Yanfei is a great Pyro DPS that uses Catalyst weapons.

Official reveal of 3.3 Weapon Banner in Genshin Impact

Official reveal of the Phase-I weapon banner (Image via HoYoverse)
Official reveal of the Phase-I weapon banner (Image via HoYoverse)

The Weapon Event Wish banner, also called the Epitome Invocation for the upcoming version, has also been revealed by Genshin Impact officials. As expected, the update's banner will feature 5-star signature weapons for the banner featured characters. The 5-star and 4-star weapons featured in the Phase I weapon banner with an increased drop-rate boost include:

  1. Tulaytullah's Remembrance (5-star Catalyst)
  2. Redhorn Stonethresher (5-star Claymore)
  3. Wavebreaker's Fin (4-star Polearm)
  4. Sacrificial Sword (4-star Sword)
  5. Favonius Greatsword (4-star Claymore)
  6. Eye of Perception (4-star Catalyst)
  7. Favonius Warbow (4-star Bow)

Genshin Impact players are advised to use the Epitomized Path to set a course towards either of the 5-star signature weapons being promoted in the upcoming banners. Using the Epitomized Path, players will need around 240 wishes to obtain their desired signature weapon.

Tulaytullah's Remembrance is the Wanderer's signature weapon, obviously making this Catalyst the best 5-star weapon for him. The Catalyst has a Crit DMG secondary stat, while its passive increases the wielder's normal attack speed and damage.

Redhorn Stonethresher is another great 5-star Claymore with insane Crit DMG secondary substats. This is Arataki Itto's signature weapon and only a few characters can take advantage of its DEF-based passive ability.

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