Hogwarts Legacy: 5 most popular spells to cast 

Hogwarts Legacy has intense magical battles(Image credits Warner Bros)
Hogwarts Legacy has intense magical battles (Image credits Warner Bros)

Hogwarts Legacy is on the horizon. Fans of the title can expect it on February 10. This long-awaited game has been the talk of town. Some might claim that the game looks flawless and is set for a smooth launch.

The combat and wand-play, in particular, looked well polished and thought out. Sparks and lightning can be seen as spells fired every which way in battles featuring multiple combatants. It may be safe to say that the combat system might be the main attraction. The rest of the experience fleshes out.

Spells also need to be used outside of combat, and applying magic to more regular chores and tasks would make the intrinsic grind of an RPG so much more delightful and interesting.

Hogwarts Legacy has exciting spell-casting and wand-play

5) Wingardium Leviosa

Levitate opponents in Hogwarts Legacy (Image credits Warner Bros)
Levitate opponents in Hogwarts Legacy (Image credits Warner Bros)

“LeviOsa not LevioSA!” This scene of Hermione teaching Ron might forever be etched in the memory of most Potterheads. The spell lifts small objects and other things into the air.

The spell can be seen levitating other humans when cast on their clothes. A great way to indispose an opponent to focus on another, it works just as well when you are lazy and don't want to walk over to pick up the ingredients to a potion.

4) Stupefy

Hogwarts Legacy has interesting wand play(Image credits Warner Bros)
Hogwarts Legacy has interesting wand play(Image credits Warner Bros)

The principal offensive spell for any standard teenage wizard looking to stop their opponent without overly harming them, stupefy, was used extensively in the books and movies. Hogwarts Legacy is another excellent way to buy a few seconds in a fight where you are outnumbered. Stupefy can leave opponents stunned while you take on their companions.

3) Lumus

Will Lumos be an influential spell in Hogwarts Legacy? (Image credits Warner Bros)
Will Lumos be an influential spell in Hogwarts Legacy? (Image credits Warner Bros)

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." The spell that wizards count on the most when they are in Darkness, Lumus, has always been a source of hope and strength. As we know, be it in the Forbidden forest or the darkest of Caves, our BespHero frequently needed to turn on the light.

2) Protego

shields are an essential part of combat in Hogwarts Legacy(Image credits Warner Bros)
shields are an essential part of combat in Hogwarts Legacy(Image credits Warner Bros)

Probably the least popular spell on this list. Protego, however, has excellent in-game usage. It is pretty evident from the gameplay revealed that a shield comes in very handy when outnumbered. Not worrying about ourselves allows us to focus on eliminating opponents in a time-effective manner.

1) Avada Kedavra

players can even cast the unforgivable spell (Image credits Warner Bros)
players can even cast the unforgivable spell (Image credits Warner Bros)

The curse that gave rise to the entire saga of the boy who lived, Avada Kedavra, is probably the most infamous spell of the series. No amount of block will stop this lethal invention of Lord Voldemort, and the only known surviving victim is our shock-haired boy wonder. That begs the question how was the spell present in the game before it was invented?

The game boasts over 20 spells which can be slotted into four slots to create a variety of combinations. Each spell has a cool-down time, and slotting spells together, which can be fired off quickly, would be the main trick to discovering as a player.

Each spell is learned, though, and gamers would have to attend class to learn new spells and potions, with the main storyline being locked behind attending specific classes.

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