How to clear the water veins on the island in Genshin Impact

Clear Water Veins and collect Glacial Spring Water (Image via Genshin Impact)
Clear Water Veins and collect Glacial Spring Water (Image via Genshin Impact)

Summertime Odyssey is the flagship event of Genshin Impact's latest patch 2.8 update, where players will return to the Golden Apple Archipelago islands. With new changes on the island, players will have to enter characters' mirages in the form of domains to help them clear all the challenges.

On the second day of the event, players get to enter a new domain which is all about our Rock 'n' Roll musician, Xinyan. As Travelers, Xinyan, and others progress further in the domain, they will encounter a dry Blazing Heart in desperate need of Glacial Spring water. Here is everything players need to know about clearing water veins and collecting Glacial Spring water in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact guide to clearing Water Veins in Golden Apple Archipelago

As Travelers continue their journey inside Xinyan's event domain, they will come across a dying Blazing Heart that asks them for help. Xinyan will then accept the request to acquire the Glacial Spring Water. The Blazing Heart will go on to explain that the group will have to clear blocked Water Veins on the surface of Broken Isle.

First water vein

Mountain top after clearing first water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)
Mountain top after clearing first water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)

For the first Water Vein, Genshin Impact players will be teleported to the Broken Isle. Players will have to follow the water vein's trail and destroy any rocks that disrupt its flow.

The veins will lead to a harp puzzle that can be solved by adjusting the orientation of the gramophone in a certain manner. Open the cave entrance by solving the harp puzzle and break the rock blocking the water vein. Next, climb the mountain and solve another harp puzzle to draw water.

Second water vein

Break the rock and clear the second water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)
Break the rock and clear the second water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)

Return to Xinyan's domain to complete the Blazin Trail, and it will teleport players to the Broken Isle again. Repeat the same process as the first Water Vein. Players can choose to ignore any enemies they encounter while following the vein.

Players will come across two harp puzzles that they must solve to open barriers and vines. Continue following the water flow, climb the mountain, and break the rock that has disrupted the water flow on top.

Third water vein

Talk to everyone after clearing the third water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)
Talk to everyone after clearing the third water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)

After clearing the second Water Vein, fast travel to Broken Isle's northern teleport waypoint, follow the veins to find a harp puzzle and a small group of enemies. Clear the enemies before solving the harp puzzle to unblock the water veins.

Climb to the top of the mountain using the wooden structures made by Hilichurls. Once reached, players need to destroy the last rock for the water levels to rise and teleport back to Broken Isle's northern waypoint to talk to everyone.

Fourth water vein

Break the rock to clear the fourth water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)
Break the rock to clear the fourth water vein (Image via Genshin Impact)

Players must complete Xinyan's third Blazin Trail before they can clear the fourth water vein. Head west and make sure to keep an Anemo character in the party. Destroy the rock and use Anemo abilities to create an updraft from the windmill to reach the mountain top easily.

Once again, destroy the rock that is disrupting the water veins and collect Glacial Spring Water after the water level rises.

Fifth water vein


For the last water vein, teleport back to Broken Isle's northern teleport waypoint and head southeast.

Players must complete the music carpet puzzle that they come across to remove the seal from the harp puzzle. Solve the harp puzzle to remove the vine barrier. Adjust the orientation of the last gramophone to create an updraft that can be used to glide upward to the mountain top. From there, players can destroy the last rock.

With this, a small cutscene should be triggered, indicating that players have cleared all the water veins. Lastly, players need to teleport back to Broken Isle's northern waypoint to continue and finish Xinyan's event quest in Genshin Impact.

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