How to destroy cracked walls in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Explore the hand-crafted galaxy (Image via Warner Bros.)
Explore the hand-crafted galaxy (Image via Warner Bros.)

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is the most expansive and immense game in the brick-built franchise. The game adds new combat and exploration elements to create a unique open-world experience.

The game features a ton of secrets and hidden areas that can only be accessed through the abilities of specific characters. One such obstacle is cracked walls, which can only be destroyed with a particular weapon and a specific class.

Destroying cracked walls in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Cracked walls in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga can only be broken with the Breaker Blaster. This tool is only usable by characters in the Scavenger class, who come equipped with various tools.


Most of the cracked walls that players encounter can't be broken through right away. Players will need to return to the site in Free Play mode to wield the necessary tools.

There are ten classes in the game. Scavenger is made up of outer-rim beings like Jawas and Ewoks. Young Rey also fits into this class. Players will need to unlock the Breaker Blaster and other scavenger tools before using them.

Jump into Episode VII, then play through the First Order of Business mission. Players will take control of Rey and BB-8 and search through a junkyard to find parts worth selling. This mission will give players access to a variety of scraper tools.

After unlocking the Breaker Blaster, take control of Rey or any other Scavenger, and revisit old levels in Free Play. Break down cracked walls to claim the treasures they hide.

Collectibles in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Like its predecessors, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a collect-a-thon first and an action-adventure game second. The game comes with many items to hunt down and find, with many new and interesting effects.

The game's primary quest is to find studs, which are the game's form of currency. These tiny colorful pegs can be used to buy new game modes, many of which add fun esthetic changes and gameplay details. Players can even use studs to unlock multipliers and acquire more studs.

One of the most important things to gather is Kyber Bricks, the game's upgrade materials. There are a ton of these things throughout many levels, and they can be used to level-up class skills. Each class has four special abilities that can be improved with these items, and players might be able to find them behind cracked walls.

Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga hides many treasures behind different obstacles. After a brief adventure with everyone's favorite Scavenger, the cracked wall can be shot down.

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