How to easily reach triple-100 stats in any Destiny 2 class? 

Destiny 2 HELM (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 HELM (Image via Bungie)

Over the years, Destiny 2 has put out a lot of mechanics based on a certain activity or the players themselves. Since most weapons and armor are locked behind some of the toughest PvE endgames, Guardians must organize and tweak their stats to the last detail.

One of the most significant aspects of making a build is reaching tier 10 in specific stats. Based on a particular class, the stats can be anything between Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, Discipline, Intellect, and Strength. Usually, players like to keep three stats at tier 10 for a perfect build.

The following article will show you the best and quickest way to reach triple-100 stats in your favorite class, be it Hunter, Warlock, or Titan.

Discipline: The process mentioned in this article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.

Triple-100 stats in Destiny 2 and how to earn it quickly in any Guardian class

As mentioned earlier, each Guardian class is tied to a total of six armor stats, all of which are viable for different builds. For example, Hunters are known for their agility, which makes them stronger with Tier 10 Mobility. However, this can also lower the cooldown of their ability class, making it more useful with builds.

Maximum Mobility Hunter for low dodge cooldown (Image via Destiny 2)
Maximum Mobility Hunter for low dodge cooldown (Image via Destiny 2)

Hence, players who prefer to use Hunters in endgame content usually keep 100 Mobility to get maximum movement speed and approximately 10 seconds cooldown on dodge. Based on Aspects and abilities, this further allows the class to keep an uptime of melee, Grenades, invisibility, and much more.

Tier 10 Discipline stat on Warlock (Image via Destiny 2)
Tier 10 Discipline stat on Warlock (Image via Destiny 2)

Warlocks and Titans follow a similar pattern, where maximum Intellect can charge up super fast, or higher Resilience lets a Guardian take and resist more damage than usual. However, to achieve a perfect Tier 10 build across all three classes, you can start by applying mods to your Ghosts.

How to get guaranteed high-stat armor?

Open your Ghost's customization menu and look for a slot that says "Economic Mod Socket." Here, you can equip any armorer mod based on the stats that you want on your armor. However, Guardians can prioritize only one stat at a time.

Ghost customization for armorer mods (Image via Destiny 2)
Ghost customization for armorer mods (Image via Destiny 2)

Let's assume that you're a Titan and would like to have Tier 10 in Resilience, Discipline, and Intellect. You can follow these steps one by one for an effective result:

  • Equip a Discipline armorer mod in your Ghost, as shown in the image above.
  • Doing so will drop Legendary armor from the Umbral engram focusing on Discipline stat more than 10.
  • To focus on armor pieces, head to HELM and choose between War Table, Crown of Sorrow, or the Star Chart.
  • Start focusing armor pieces in exchange for 1 Umbral Engram, 25 Legendary Shards, and 4 seasonal Umbral energy.
  • Repeat this process for the remaining two stats.
Seasonal armor pieces for focusing on War Table (Image via Destiny 2)
Seasonal armor pieces for focusing on War Table (Image via Destiny 2)

The trick here is to achieve Tier 10 on one of the stats you're prioritizing and focus on the remaining two. Keep in mind that general armor mods will always boost your stats by 10 in each piece, so build your loadout based on that.