How to find Crests in Diablo Immortal

Make every run more powerful (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Make every run more powerful (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Diablo Immortal is the mobile answer to the classic dungeon crawler format with all the difficulties that mobile gaming implies. Like most other examples of the genre, there are a lot of currency systems to keep track of and collect.

Crests are a crucial currency, but they only have one use. They act as an upgrade to the Elder Rift system, which will increase the game's rewards. Entering rifts with a ton of crests can ensure truly staggering outpourings of loot for savvy players willing to take on the challenge.

How to get Crests in Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal features a ton of different systems of currency, often attracting derision from fans. Loot isn't exactly hard to come by, but players will want every advantage going into Elder Rifts.

Crests are not found throughout the game world, they can only be bought through a variety of sources. Once players unlock Elder Rifts, they'll get a handful of free Crests to make their first few runs more profitable.

Running the Elder Rifts will occasionally pay out yet another currency called Hilts. Hilts can be used to buy a Legendary Quest, but only once a month.

Once players reach the Elder Rifts and start running those dungeons, they'll get one free Rare Crest every day. This serves as a daily login bonus, but it's a welcome reward for each new day.

To get that daily Crest, players will have to head to the Crest Merchant, Jondo Mouren. This vendor is located in Westmarch, right next to the platform that holds the Elder Rifts. Jondo is the key to most other methods of acquiring Crests.

From Jondo, players can buy Legendary Crests using Platinum but are limited by daily supply. Jondo has a set amount of Crests for sale across the server, so players will have to save their Platinum and get in early. Other players who either grind or pay real money for more Platinum will often make this impossible.

Finally, because it's a mobile game, players can buy crests with real money. They can purchase Rare or Elder Crests with Eternal Orbs, which must be bought with in-app purchases. Players can buy individual Crests or groups of 10 in exchange for Eternal Orbs.

The benefits of Crests in Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal players will be disappointed to find Crests effectively paywalled. This is unfortunate because they will need a lot of them to make the Elder Rifts worthwhile.

Players have complained about the mid-to-late-game progression system since this new RPG was released. Crests are just one part of the problem that ensures players will have to put in real cash to keep up.

They will need Rare and Legendary Crests to grant runes, which can be made into Legendary Gems. Players will need 10 Legendary Crests to upgrade the Rifts and vastly increase its rewards.

Since Platinum can be bought with money, the small supply will typically be bought out by those willing to put in cash. This means that this key Diablo Immortal resource will almost always drain the player's wallet.

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