How to find the Hogwarts Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy

Finfing the Hogwarts Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB Games)
Finfing the Hogwarts Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via WB Games)

Hogwarts Legacy is based in the Wizarding World, where the extremely popular Harry Potter franchise was set, albeit a couple of centuries earlier than the books' timeline and film adaptations' timeline.

You'll find several common elements in the books and films, as well as new ones. These things involve ancestors of familiar characters, interactions with magical creatures you have known and loved, spells you have wanted to cast, and places in the Hogwarts castle you have wanted to visit.

You might have seen the lavish dinners served in the Hogwarts dining hall and wondered where all the delicious food is being cooked and who is cooking it. Among the places you can explore in Hogwarts Legacy is the Hogwarts Kitchen. This article will tell you how to find it and what you can do there.

Find out what the House Elves are up to in Hogwarts Kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy


Hogwarts Legacy lets you enter and explore the kitchen of the school of witchcraft and wizardry and see what the elves are upto. However, you will need to make some progress into the game's main storyline before you can access the tools you will need to access this space.

You'll need access to the Revelio spell, which you learn automatically from Professor Fig during The Path to Hogwarts main quest as you start your journey in the game.

There are two ways to access the kitchen, depending on which one of the great Houses you belong to. One is exclusively available to Hufflepuff students, while the other is available to anyone.

Finding the entrance to Hogwarts Kitchen as a Hufflepuff student


If you are sorted into the House of Helda Hufflepuff, you will likely pass this entrance multiple times during your playthrough. It is quite discreet, but if you pay enough attention, you can spot it at the bottom of the stairs leading to the Hufflepuff common room.

Finding the entrance to Hogwarts Kitchen as a non-Hufflepuff student

If you are sorted into any of the other houses, you cannot access the entrance at the base of the Hufflepuff common room. To enter Hogwarts Kitchen, start by fast traveling to the Grand Staircase.

After that, come down the staircase to the lowest floor, where you will find a pear portrait to your left. You have to cast Revelio on it to reveal the doorway, which will take you to the kitchen in Hogwarts Legacy.


House Elves are the force that makes sure the students at the magical school are fed well. Although the film adaptations don't mention them much, a whole subplot is dedicated to the House Elves working in the kitchen of the Wizarding School in the fourth Harry Potter book. The video game adaptation lets you see what they are upto outside of preparing the next meal for students.

Hogwarts Legacy is a long-awaited action-based role-playing game produced by Avalanche Studios and WB Games. It was released on February 10 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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