How to get the Law of Regression in Elden Ring

Reset to zero (Image via FromSoftware)
Reset to zero (Image via FromSoftware)

Elden Ring has revolutionized the magic system of the FromSoft format by introducing tons of new and powerful options. But sometimes, players don't need to fire off giant blue lasers or summon deadly skulls. They need an off switch for someone else's magic.

Law of Regression is an Incantation that can deactivate any status or special effects, for good or for ill. This great spell is commonly used to shut down enemy buffs, cure terrible ailments, and reveal secrets.

Finding Law of Regression in Elden Ring

This unique Elden Ring Incantation can be acquired in the method of most magical armaments in the game by finding its Prayerbook. The Golden Order Principia contains access to the Law of Regression, and once it's turned into a cleric, the spell is unlocked.

To get the Incantation, players will have to get the Prayerbook. Players can find this mystical tome in a hanging chair above Erdtree Sanctuary in Leyndell, Royal Capital.

Starting at the Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace, leave the room from the east-side exit. Find and climb the root immediately to the left, which circles into the building's second floor. That room has only one door, so exit through it and turn left to jump down to the nearby roof.

Players should find a broken window on the roof, which allows them to access back into the building. A root crosses the room and climbs it to its highest point. At that point, players will find a chair suspended from the ceiling. The Golden Order Principia sits in that chair. Turn it into any cleric to get Law of Regression.

Using Law of Regression in Elden Ring

Elden Ring players will find multiple opportunities to use Law of Regression in the game. It has solid applications in PVP, PVE, and gathering the game's deepest secrets. Be warned, however, Law of Regression requires 37 Intelligence to use.

In PVP, this spell can remove any buffs that the opponent has placed on themselves or any debuffs placed on the player. This can even the playing field or force an enemy to waste their best combat abilities early on.

In PVE, it resists the nastier debuffing effects of certain enemies, swiftly transforming certain foes into trivial affairs. The ability to cancel poison or rot effects is better than healing in some situations.

Finally, one secret can be revealed by casting Law of Regression, but it does contain a massive spoiler. Players who want this information displayed must seek out the statue of Radagon in Lleyndell.

It's adorned with a message, "Regression Alone Reveals Secrets". Law of Regression holds the key to this puzzle and some information about the game's story.

Elden Ring players will find plenty of ways to use Law of Regression. Hunt down the Golden Order Principia in the hanging chair to gain the coveted off-switch for enemy buffs.

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