How to get and upgrade Plasma Cutter in Dead Space remake

Plasma Cutter can be acquired early in the game (Image via EA Motive)
Plasma Cutter can be acquired early in the game (Image via EA Motive)

The Dead Space remake tasks players to step into the shoes of engineer Issac Clarke and explore the stranded space shuttle USG Ishimura. However, things go awry as the crew gets slaughtered by creatures. The game offers a unique arsenal of weapons to fend off these threats, with the Plasma Cutter being an excellent tool to dismember necromorphs.

Players can get their hands on the Plasma Cutter early in the game, with Issac locating it. In the game, he is separated from the crew right after setting foot in USG Ishimura. Thereafter, players will need to escape the clutches of the necromorph. The Plasma Cutter can be found in the left corner upon exiting the elevator.

Acquiring and upgrading Plasma Cutter in Dead Space remake


The Dead Space remake features the iconic Plasma Cutter, a signature weapon in the series. It is easy to locate thanks to the bright yellow glow that can be noticed immediately after exiting the elevator. You can also look for a graffiti sign that says 'cut off their limbs' to spot the tool.

It is considered an iconic weapon for a reason. You can use it to chop off enemy limbs that render them motionless or stomp them to save ammo. Furthermore, if the Plasma Cutter runs out of ammo, it can be used as a melee weapon to thrash the necromorphs and get out of an ambush.

The Plasma Cutter can be fired vertically or horizontally, similar to the original game. This allows you to find a good angle to dismember the monsters. Sometimes, you will find it easier to use the gun’s vertical fire mode.

The Plasma Cutter is an excellent weapon of choice, upgrading it is a good choice. The gun has three parts that can be found scattered throughout the game. To get the most out of this weapon, you will require 23 nodes, upgrade points that will help you level up weapons, and Issac's suit.

The first upgrade part (Image via EA Motive)
The first upgrade part (Image via EA Motive)

The first part of the upgrade can be found in USG Ishimura's medical department. This room is located on the fourth floor and is labeled "Ishimura Clinic" You will come across this area in Chapter 2 of the game. Keep an eye out for the glowing yellow light that marks the spot.

The second part of the upgrade is a heat accumulator that can be purchased from the in-game store after Chapter 3. This upgrade will cost you 11,000 credits, so sell any unwanted items at the store to stack up enough money. You can save up and buy it later in the game if you wish to use your credits for other weapons.

The final upgrade part (Image via EA Motive)
The final upgrade part (Image via EA Motive)

You can find the final upgrade part of the Plasma Cutter in Chapter 8. It is located in the Maintenance Locker Room on the second floor of the Communications Hub. The game will task you to deploy an antenna. This also involves taking a gondola ride. This should be your cue to explore and reach the aforementioned locker room.

The game features an unlocked achievement if one completes a full playthrough with only the Plasma Cutter. Dead Space fans have always preferred to use a Plasma Cutter as it is potent enough to keep the necromorphs at bay. There are, however, other unique weapons to try out.

The Dead Space remake is a strong comeback for the franchise, especially after the tragic shutdown of Visceral Games. Fans are now hoping that a Dead Space 2 remake will also be on the cards owing to the title's success. The Dead Space remake is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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