How to light all nine lamps in Diablo Immortal

The lamp puzzle in Diablo Immortal's Lost Runes (Image via Kibbles/YouTube)
The lamp puzzle in Diablo Immortal's Lost Runes (Image via Kibbles/YouTube)

Diablo Immortal is packed with varied content that players can invest time into. Whether it's maxing out the potential of their daily routine or hopping into PVP, players have many options as to how they choose to play.

One of the places that players get to visit in Diablo Immortal is one of Zoltun Kulle’s numerous archives, the Library of Zoltun Kulle. It is found during the quest “Library Beneath the Sand” while the player is in the Shassar Sea. Design-wise, it is nearly identical to the Archives of Zoltun Kulle in Diablo 3.

As the player progresses through the Library of Zoltun Kulle, they will receive the quest “Lost Runes.” It requires the player to retrieve a series of runes, but only after a specific task is completed. The first one is a puzzle involving lamps. Here is how to light all nine lamps to complete 'Lost Runes' in Diablo Immortal.

Diablo Immortal guide to lighting all nine lamps in the Lost Runes quest


To find the lamps, follow the path in the library until the nine lamps appear. This is done by simply following the quest naturally. Near the nine lamps are tomes that can be read for not-so-subtle hints to complete the puzzle. The nine lamps are arranged three by three like a square. That means there are four lamps that count as corners. Start by:

  • Step 1: Lighting every “corner” lamp. It does not matter which one you start with.
  • Step 2: Wait until the flames dissipate before lighting the next corner lamp.
  • Step 3: After each corner lamp has been activated once, select the lamp in the very center. Every lamp will light up, and the rune can be retrieved.
  • Step 4: Touch the rune altar nearby to reset the puzzle if you make a mistake.

With the lamp puzzle completed, players can now go retrieve the first of three runes for the Lost Rune quest. To complete the rest of the quest, the Curator asks the player to retrieve the second rune that is nearby.

  • Step 5: Starting from where the Curator is standing, go in the direction that is facing his back.
  • Step 6: There area is surrounded by an orange energy field. Select it to spawn the guardian, Grimaldi the Flaming Soul, who protects the second rune. Defeat the guardian, and don’t forget to pick up the rune when the guardian dies.

The final rune is located in a mirror world. Naturally, there is a mirror puzzle that needs to be completed to obtain the last rune. There are four mirrors to the right and two to the left.

  • Step 7: Start by moving the mirror on the left (the one facing southeast) and slide it back.
  • Step 8: Move the nearby mirror to the left.
  • Step 9: Now go to the mirrors on the right. Select the one in the middle and slide it down twice.

From there, players can retrieve the last rune and complete the rest of the Lost Runes quest in Diablo Immortal.

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