How to perform according to drum score in Genshin Impact: Beginner-friendly guide

These puzzles are easily than one might think
These puzzles are easily than one might think (Image via HoYoverse)

Learning how to perform according to drum score can be tricky in Genshin Impact. The in-game tutorial explains what to do, but some problems might arise if Travelers skip them. Players have three actions available to them at their disposal for the drum score: Normal Attacks, Plunging Attacks, and doing nothing. Knowing how to perform these actions are instrumental to anybody doing the Awakening's Real Sound quest.

Likewise, the floating mushroom puzzle east of the Asipattravana Swamp involves players performing according to a drum score. Hence, this guide should help simplify everything for beginners. Keep in mind that some of the following information can easily be seen in-game via the Tutorials section.

Genshin Impact beginner's guide: How to perform according to the drum score

The tutorial explains much of the important information quite clearly (Image via HoYoverse)
The tutorial explains much of the important information quite clearly (Image via HoYoverse)

Here is a quick reminder of how Kory Drums work in Genshin Impact:

  • How do they work: If you have a Normal Attack or a Plunging Attack as notes, use those moves on the drum to create a sound.
  • Pausing: If you see a guide stating that you need to pause, that means you do nothing and wait for the drum to glow again for the next note.
  • Reading notes: If you're not using a guide and want to figure out everything on your own, then you should know that the leaves on a wall tell you what to do. You're supposed to read the notes from left to right.
  • Full leaf: Do a Plunging Attack. Keep in mind that your jumping is boosted during this performance.
  • Half leaf: Do a Normal Attack.
  • Empty leaf: Do nothing and wait for the drum to glow again for the next note.

If you don't want to bother reading the notes from a wall and just want to perform according to the drum score, then the following section will be for you.

Awakening's Real Sound drum score guide

The Electro Kory Drum (Image via HoYoverse)
The Electro Kory Drum (Image via HoYoverse)

On every Kory Drum for this Genshin Impact quest is a Vision's logo. You can perform in any order, but you can follow this guide based on the elemental drum you're having trouble with at the moment. Electro and Cyro share the exact same pattern:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Pause
  3. Normal Attack
  4. Plunging Attack

Pyro and Dendro also share an identical drum performance:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Normal Attack
  3. Normal Attack
  4. Plunging Attack

Hydro is the odd one left out, as it has a unique pattern in this Genshin Impact quest. Here it is:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Plunging Attack
  3. Pause
  4. Plunging Attack

Remember, if you see "Pause," that means you should wait for the drum glow, do nothing, and then act accordingly when the next yellow aura reappears.

Floating mushrooms puzzle

These locations are where some Kory Drum puzzles are (Image via HoYoverse)
These locations are where some Kory Drum puzzles are (Image via HoYoverse)

There is an optional puzzle that some Genshin Impact players might wish to do to unlock a few chests. Go east of Asipattravana Swamp and use the above image to understand where all the Kory Drums are. The northeastern location's pattern is as follows:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Pause
  3. Pause
  4. Normal Attack
  5. Pause
  6. Normal Attack
  7. Normal Attack
  8. Pause

By comparison, the western pattern is:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Pause
  3. Normal Attack
  4. Pause
  5. Normal Attack
  6. Pause
  7. Normal Attack
  8. Pause

Finally, the southern order is as follows:

  1. Normal Attack
  2. Normal Attack
  3. Pause
  4. Normal Attack
  5. Normal Attack
  6. Pause
  7. Normal Attack
  8. Normal Attack

Do note that some floating mushroom puzzles are also available after completing these beats. By now, Travelers should have a basic understanding of performing according to the drum score in Genshin Impact.

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