Are League of Legends Teleport changes pushing the toplane meta to aggressive summoner spells like Ghost or Ignite?

The toplane changes in League of Legends will drastically alter professional games (Image via League of Legends)
The toplane changes in League of Legends will drastically alter professional games (Image via League of Legends)

Teleport is arguably the most popular summoner spell when it comes to toplane champions in League of Legends.

However, Riot Games is currently changing the way Teleport works and that might lead to massive changes in the meta. There is a strong possibility that with the changes to Teleport, League of Legends is pushing toplaners to use Ghost or Ignite.

This is because the entire concept of picking Teleport and diving the botlane within 5 minutes of the laning phase, has been the norm for a long time now. While it is not often observed in solo-queue games, this is the basic idea of how professional League of Legends works.

Changes to teleport in League of Legends will mean that toplaners now have to fight more and get aggressive within their lanes

The Teleport summoner spell is being completely revamped in League of Legends. Previously toplaners could use this spell to teleport onto any minion, ward or tower right from the first minute within the game.

However, Riot Games is changing it a little bit. As per the changes that are available on the PBE, there are two versions of Teleport available to players. Initially, at the beginning of the game, players can use the Teleport summoner spell only on allied structures.

This means that toplaners will be able to use it only on ally towers. However, post 14 minutes, the Teleport summoner spell will be upgraded to "Unleashed Teleport". Once this is active, players will be free to use it on wards, minions and structures.

In other words, for up to 14 minutes toplaners will not be able to teleport behind enemy lines to set up surprise ganks. This means that the toplaner will not be available when it comes to early game skirmishes, once this new Teleport gets implemented.

This completely changes the way toplane is usually played in League of Legends. Several toplaners often rely on ganking botlanes early in order to get kills and eventually gain advantage over the enemy. In fact, toplaners who also push the lane early, recall back to base and then Teleport on a minion, so as to keep the wave in their favor.

On account of the Teleport change, toplaners in League of Legends will now have to win the lane in a different fashion. They cannot rely on early game teleports and thus obtain a few kills and move ahead on the farm. Thus, in order to do that, they will need to carry something like Ignite or Ghost so that they can maintain pressure on the enemy toplaner.

Since Teleport becomes sort of useless for 14 minutes, going aggressive and winning the lane will be mandatory for the toplaners. This will, however, provide a lot of breathing room for botlane players, as they will not have the risk of being run down by a toplaner and can farm in peace.

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