League of Legends' new champion Milio officially revealed: Lore, gameplay, and more

Milio is set to be the latest champions heading to League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
Milio is set to be the latest champions heading to League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Riot Games officially announced on Twitter on March 4, 2023, that Milio: The Gentle Flame, a mischievous child with a unique affinity for spiritual fire, is slated to be the next League of Legends champion. This enchanter support will shortly be making his way to the famous Summoner's Rift.

First teased in 2022 along with K'Sante, League of Legends fans can now rejoice since Riot Games has finally provided some in-depth information about Milio.

Full details regarding League of Legends' latest champion, Milio


Milio comes from the region of Ixtal, which is renowned for its mastery of elemental magic, as this area was one of the first independent ones to join the Shuriman empire. Champions like Malphite, Neeko, Rengar, Zyra, Qiyana, and Nidalee are some characters hailing from that region.

Milio's narrative begins with his grandmother, Lupé, and her twin sister, Luné — two elemental masters who merged their respective earth and fire axioms to surpass Vidalion's challenges and join Yun Tal. Nevertheless, when Luné was detected scheming against the Yun Tal, both sisters were convicted and punished. Lupé was exiled to the darkest parts of Ixtal, and Luné left the place, taking the rest of her sister's trust with her.

Milio's family had done everything it could to make the most of their new life by the time he was born. Lupé attempted to teach her grandson the axiomata when he was old enough. Milio showed potential and readily took to the elements, whereas the rest of his family had failed her, but he struggled to comprehend the rules and rigor of the discipline. She eventually lost hope after being disappointed and abandoned Milio's teachings.


The latter, on the other hand, continued training and subsequently discovered a new axiom after stumbling upon an injured hunter. He referred to it as the "soothing flame" and utilized it to cure the entity.

He eventually set off on a mission to Ixaocan to restore his family to its prior position among Ixtal's ruling caste after coming home and revealing his newfound talent to his grandmother, who then helped him develop his skills.

In preparation for the expedition, he and his grandma created a special bag, which Milio dubbed his "furnasita," in which he could store his ever-burning fuemigo. Even though he was just twelve years old at the time, he left town with a sad heart and a huge smile, armed only with his loyal furnasita and some new clothing prepared by his family.



Milio's abilities are yet to be officially unveiled by League of Legends devs. However, his gameplay footage has been leaked on YouTube.

Milio's Q ability launches a friend forward. When it hits an enemy, a small area is created, which stuns in the center and slows on the edge. This ability is reminiscent of a mini Leona ultimate.

His W is set to be an AOE (area of effect) field, and allies inside it will have increased range, movement speed, and attack speed. Moreover, this zone will also follow allies.

Easily one of the most unique League of Legends abilities so far. Milio's E shields himself and his allies. Whereas his R is a massive AOE Cleanse and Heal.


While the modern League of Legends champions are notorious for being outrageously overpowered, Milio appears to be comparatively balanced. While his abilities are undoubtedly distinctive and seem to be powerful under appropriate situations, he does not appear outright overpowered.


Milio's Base Skin Splash Art (Image via Riot Games)
Milio's Base Skin Splash Art (Image via Riot Games)
Faerie Court Milio Splash Art (Image via Riot Games)
Faerie Court Milio Splash Art (Image via Riot Games)

Faerie Court Milio is set to be the first skin for him that League of Legends players will be able to purchase from the client.

Release date


Milio, the upcoming League of Legends enchanter support champion, is slated to be available on the PBE server on March 7, 2023. He is also expected to arrive on live servers around the time patch 13.6 goes live on March 21, or 22, depending on your location, 2023.

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