League of Legends Renata guide: How to play the Chem baroness in the upcoming 12.4 patch update

Renata is a unique champion, but positioning with her is vital for success (Image via League of Legends)
Renata is a unique champion, but positioning with her is vital for success (Image via League of Legends)

Renata Glasc is set to be released within League of Legends in patch 12.4. Therefore, knowing the perfect builds for her is necessary to make the most out of her kit right from the start.

Every time a brand new champion is released within the game, they are usually a bit overtuned. Therefore, in order to enjoy the champion, it is vital to play from the first day itself.

It is important to understand that Renata is not very different in terms of build. However, it is her playstyle that is going to differ from the way in which most supports are used in the game.

Detailed runes, item build and playstyle for Renata Glasc for League of Legends patch 12.4

Renata is a very unique champion within League of Legends. Her ability to turn enemies against one another is something that is going to play a massive role in relation to team fights.

However, despite her immensely powerful kit, she is a squishy champion in the end. She does not have any escape and will get killed very easily. Thus, building protective items on her is vital in order to ensure sustainability as she will often be the prime target for enemy carries.


Rune Path

Renata Glasc runepath (Image via League of Legends)
Renata Glasc runepath (Image via League of Legends)

Primary Runes (Sorcery): Arcane Comet, Manaflow Band, Transcendence, Scorch

Secondary Rune (Inspiration): Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight

Rune Shards: Offense (+9 Adaptive Force), Flex (+9 Adaptive Force), Defense (+9 Armor)

So, as is clear, Renata's runes are catered towards both offense as well as defense. The primary runes are obviously focused towards ensuring an increase in ability damage.

However, her secondary rune is focused towards ensuring lane sustainability and scaling.

Item Build


The items for Renata are as follows:

  • Spell Thief's Edge
  • Boots of Lucidity
  • Cosmic Drive
  • Imperial Mandate
  • Zhonya's Hourglass
  • Banshee's Veil

So, as is clear, Renata's build has a mix of everything. Most of her items are meant to increase her ability power. Boots of lucidity is essential to improve her spell haste. This is something that allows her to reduce spell cooldown.

Zhonya's Hourglass allows her to stay alive and Cosmic Drive provides her increased movement speed that helps her to reposition in fights.



When it comes to Renata's playstyle there is not a lot to say in relation to her abilities. This is because they are self-explanatory and will be used only in specific situations.

However, the key aspect that Renata players need to be concerned with is their positioning. Renata is someone who can damage enemies, revive allies and also turn enemies against one another.

Therefore, the more she remains alive within a fight, the more value she provides to the team. Thus, through proper positioning, Renata will be able to turn the course of fights in her team's favor.

So, it is vital players learn more positioning tricks with supports by watching professional games as it will enable them to improve their Renata gameplay even further.

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