League of Legends: All the champions released in Season 9

Sett will hit live servers next season
Sett will hit live servers next season

Season 9 for League of Legends has concluded, and the preseason is up and running on the live servers. Season 9 saw a lot of changes happen to the game and the addition of new champions. All the champions released this year have terrorized solo queue in some form or another. Gone are the days when Riot Games used to release straightforward champions with an easy learning curve.

Five champions have been released this season, and all of them share one thing in common, which is having an overloaded kit. Here are all the champions that have been released this year.

#1. Sylas, the Unshackled

Sylas has an overloaded kit.
Sylas has an overloaded kit.

A champion who has received changes in almost every other patch (last changed in 9.22), Sylas was the first champion to be released in Season 9. Sylas has heavily featured both in solo queue and professional play throughout the season. A versatile AP champion, Sylas can be played in Top lane, Mid lane, and the Jungle position. His ultimate ability is unique and allows him to essentially steal any of the opposing team member’s ultimate ability.

Release date on live servers: 25/01/2019


#2. Yuumi, the Magical Cat

Yuumi was one of the most banned champions in professional play throughout Season 9
Yuumi was one of the most banned champions in professional play throughout Season 9

Similar to Sylas, Yuumi has been a regular in both solo queue and professional play. However, unlike Sylas, Yuumi was often banned during the champion select phase, especially when the support champion was at her peak. Yuumi has a unique ability which allows her to stick to any of her allies making her invulnerable in the phase.

Release date on live servers: 15/05/2019


#3. Qiyana, Empress of the Elements

Qiyana is an AD assassin
Qiyana is an AD assassin

Qiyana is an Assassin who is usually deployed in the Mid lane. Qiyana is very good at punishing champions weak in the laning phase, after which she can snowball the entire early game. She has a lot of burst damage in her kit, which makes her very good at catching enemy champions off guard. Qiyana’s ultimate ability is a massive stun-lock against any terrain, and, when used correctly, can make or break the game.

Release date on live servers: 28/06/2019


#4. Senna, the Redeemer

Senna is Lucian's wife
Senna is Lucian's wife

Senna is the first-ever marksman support to be released in League of Legends. Although she is intended to be a support, we can also play Senna in the AD Carry position. Senna is very difficult to face as she can constantly harass using her ranged attack. She has a global ultimate ability that can hit every enemy in the game.

Release date on live servers: 20/11/2019


#5. Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful

Aphelios has a high learning curve
Aphelios has a high learning curve

Perhaps the most complicated champion released this year, Aphelios is insanely hard to play. He is an AD Carry with plenty of weapons in his arsenal. Depending upon the scenario, Aphelios can switch to different weapons and learning to manage his kit properly is an uphill task. Despite being very hard to master, in the right hands, Aphelios can be a lethal threat.

Release date on live servers: 10/12/2019


Although League of Legends' latest champion is now playable on the PBE servers, he won't hit the live servers until next season. He is the first champion that will be released in Season 10 and fans are already gearing up for his arrival.