Lost Ark guide: How to create a Guild

Making a Guild in Lost Ark (Image via Smilegate)
Making a Guild in Lost Ark (Image via Smilegate)

Guilds are a key aspect of Lost Ark’s MMO experience and allow players to feel a sense of community when they are out exploring Arkesia with their friends and in-game buddies.

While players seeking that sense of community can use the in-game Guild menu to freely join or leave a Guild, one can even go a step further and choose to make their own community themselves.

Lost Ark allows players to form their own Guilds quite easily. While building a community from scratch can be a difficult and time-consuming process to pull off, it can massively enhance the gameplay experience that the world of Arkesia has to offer.

With that in mind, we explain how adventurers will be able to build their own Guilds in the MMO.

Making a Guild in Lost Ark

Guild-making in Smilegate’s new MMO is relatively easy. However, players will not be able to do it for free; it will require a contribution of 2,000 silver. This is not a lot, however, and just a few simple quests and missions will be able to help one save up the entire amount.

This means players will be able to start creating their own Guilds and recruiting members very early on in the game by following a few simple steps:

  • Adventurers will first need to complete the main quests and reach the first town Prideholm. Upon doing so, a button will be highlighted in the bottom right-hand corner, called Community.
  • This will pop up a new window, and players will then need to navigate to Guild.
  • In the Guild menu, they will then need to go to the Create tab, which will finally give them the option to create their own Lost Ark community for 2,000 silvers.
  • Players will first need to choose their guild name, and then type out a brief description for it. The description can be anything, along with preferences that one is looking for in the new members.
  • After jotting down the description, all that's left to do is click on Create and a new Guild will be formed.

It is important to bear in mind that each Guild in Lost Ark is restricted to a maximum of 30 members. So, if one’s community does start to grow exponentially, the MMO will limit it.

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