Mimi, the Leaked Genshin Impact character from Beta, renamed to Kokomi in final release

Kokomi is on the left, with Mimi on the right (Image via Project Celestria)
Kokomi is on the left, with Mimi on the right (Image via Project Celestria)

Mimi, an old leaked Genshin Impact character from beta, is now known as Kokomi in the current version of Genshin Impact.

For those that don't know, Mimi is an old Genshin Impact character that was leaked a long time ago, with seemingly no new info for a while. When Kokomi was first leaked, several leakers speculated that Mimi became Kokomi, although this was never directly confirmed.

With Kokomi finally being revealed in the Genshin Impact 2.0 livestream, many Genshin Impact fans are wondering what happened to Mimi.

She seems to have been abandoned in recent leaks and past characters have had elements about their character changed. Unless Mimi is reused in the future, she is likely just Kokomi now.

The leaked character, Mimi, is now known as Kokomi in Genshin Impact

It has been speculated for a while that Mimi has become Kokomi due to the similarities between their designs. In the tweet above, players can see Kokomi on the left, and compare her to Mimi on the right.

Genshin Impact characters rarely resemble one another on this kind of scale, which would indicate one of two things. Mimi could be related to Kokomi, or, more likely, Mimi became Kokomi.

It's commonly stated that what's seen in development is subject to change, and that includes character models and names.

Why would Mimi change to Kokomi?

There are many similarities between the two characters, but the most glaring difference between the two is the large back ribbon on Mimi. Typically, Genshin Impact characters don't have ornate gear that would get in the way of hitboxes and whatnot.

It's likely that miHoYo either didn't like how the design meshed with Genshin Impact's current physics and animations or there might have been noticeable clipping issues.

Likewise, her side apparel was longer when she was Mimi, which would suggest that it was shortened to reduce that previous issue. Other visual changes were most likely implemented to make her look more visually appealing.

No recent leaks on Mimi

In an age of leaks in Genshin Impact, it's very rare for a character to have no new details revealed for this long. Other characters have been leaked with no new info since then, but some have been supposedly scrapped like Shenhe.

It wouldn't be unheard of if instead of scrapping Mimi outright, miHoYo decided to rework her into Kokomi. Both Mimi and Kokomi were leaked to be Hydro Catalyst users, so it would be strange to have so many similarities in both the visual department and in their vision and weaponry.

miHoYo has stated in the past that the stuff found in the leaks was always subject to change. Some people thought it just meant that people shouldn't spoil themselves with unreleased information.

It could also be interpreted in that people shouldn't expect everything in the beta will be released as-is.

Kokomi in Genshin Impact

Not too much has been leaked about Kokomi's skillset (same with Mimi, hence one cannot compare the two in that regard). That said, Kokomi is going to play an important role in the upcoming Inazuma storyline.

She will eventually be released as a playable character, but not before Ayaka and Yoimiya have their banners. Nothing about Mimi was seen in the 2.0 livestream.

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